Program areas at Transition Projects
Shelters - on a given night, we shelter hundreds of people. During the winter months, we increase our shelter capacity based on the season and severe weather.the agency operates both permanent and temporary low-barrier emergency shelters. The temporary shelters include the sos shelter for 70 women, willamette center for 120 people including single women and couples, the walnut park shelter for 80 men, women and couples, river district navigation center for 100 men, women and couples, river district navigation center for 100 men, women and couples, and laurelwood shelter for 120 people focusing on single women and couples. Our residential programs include jean's place shelter for 60 women, doreen's place shelter for 90 men (45 of whom are veterans), and clark center shelter serving 90 men. Corrections the corrections program is included in various housing activities. The corrections program provides intensive case management services to participants leaving the criminal justice system. Participants receive assistance with housing, food, clothing, hygiene items, referrals for medical and dental care, and access to mental health and chemical dependency treatment. This program is funded through the department of community justice, multnomah county, Oregon. The program operates at the clark center, jean's place, and clark center annex with the corrections program-related expenses included in jean's place, men's residential programs and clark center annex program expenses. Barbara maher building the barbara maher building provides 32 units of permanent housing to low-income women in recovery from homelessness and alcoholism or other drug addiction. The facility offers single room occupancy units, a community kitchen, and other shared facilities for women who are re-establishing their lives. Subsidies are provided through home forwards section 8 program. Clark center annex the clark center annex provides 22 units of permanent supportive housing to formerly homeless men. The program offers connections to supportive services, including case management and mental health providers.
Supportive programs: - we help more than 2,000 people a year connect to community-based services, health providers, and employment opportunities. Supportive services we administer and deliver rentwell, a tenant education program. Our wellness team offers health navigation services, direct access to mental and physical health resources, support groups, and participant-directed behavioral health interventions. Our employment services connect job seekers with employers making real connections to lasting employment opportunities. Our mobile engagement team provides street-based outreach to people who are otherwise disconnected from basic services and the supports they need to end their homelessness. Resource center the resource center provides a variety of emergency services to homeless and low-income persons. These services include access to shelter, housing assistance, eviction prevention, information and referral, showers, transportation assistance, identification and birth certificate assistance, and computers. The day center serves as a mailing address for people who need one.
Housing - in 2022-2023, we helped more than 500 people find permanent housing.the housing department operates across agencys service locations: the resource center, doreens place, clark center, clark center annex, sos shelter, jeans place, and willamette center; and in the community through outreach and home visits. Housing assistance provides rent and deposit assistance to people experiencing, and at-risk of, homelessness. Participants are assessed and provided case management support to ensure they will be able to remain in housing.we have robust programs that serve homeless and at-risk veterans and their families. These services span 4 counties including multnomah, Washington, clackamas, and clark county, Washington.