Program areas at Transition Us
The regenerative communities summit - the regenerative communities summit was a 16-day-long virtual summit, with over 1,000 registered participants. Featuring 53 different sessions, plenaries, keynotes, workshops, and open spaces the summit was designed to bring together summit attendees, movement leaders, and practitioners who are actively working to create a more regenerative, just, and joyful world. The summit provided a rich educational and networking experience and allowed Transition Us to highlight new strategies and emerging projects for the coming year.
Training courses program - in 2021, Transition Us offered two leadership training: a 16-week course in ''regenerative leadership for social change'' that was attended by 115 participants, and a 10-week "social justice community of practice" that was attended by 25.
Communications and outreach - another major aspect of our mission is to communicate the vision of the Transition movement and encourage people throughout the Us to get involved. To facilitate this, we maintain an educational website, send out monthly newsletters to over 7,000 subscribers, and share information with our 18,000 followers on social media.
Other programs - include Transition streets & ready together programs, national campaigns, and online events.