Program areas at Trellis Interational
Homelessness: people experiencing homelessness is on the rise in our nation, state and city. As complex an issue as it is, as frustrating as we all may me with legislation, laws and the challenges that come with this issue, we must engage in a productive, strategic, collective manner in order to see progress and peoples' lives impacted. Trellis facilitates a couple of programs that help address this in a collaborative approach. We provide a volunteer run storage facility to provide security for personal items and a place to connect with service providers. We also provide a transitional work program that provides volunteer opportunities to help gain job skills and recent experience to increase hiring potential.
Education: our future is currently in our schools. Too many people are unaware of the challenges faced by our students, school staff and parents when it comes to education. Too few people in our community are engaged in the local schools to improve critical issues with literacy and general practical support, there is no more strategic of an area in a city to make awesome than our schools yet we sit on the sidelines, it's time to make an impact, Trellis is facilitating a collective, strategic approach.
Neighboring: the very basics of impacting a community begins with people knowing, caring for and reaching out to the people they live, work and play around. As Trellis establishes a network of "intentional neighbors" that encourages, facilitates and stimulates more relationships in their context the ethos as well as the practical support and help will expand. Cultural, socioeconomic and generational barriers will be bridged and our city will become more healthy. Trellis also facilitates a labors of love program that connects volunteers with neighbors in need of help with simple manual labor projects to help resolve code enforcement issues or making their living situation safe.
Prayer & other accomplishments: at Trellis we believe prayer is foundational to all that we do and that if we really want to see our community impacted in big way the unified, collective, corporate prayers of god's people need to grow and develop. As we gather leaders from various churches the goal is to facilitate a more expansive, ongoing and intentional prayer effort throughout the city. To facilitate collaboration around the practical, relational, and spiritual challenges in a city by stimulating, encouraging, and supporting city catalysts and the movements they are leading. This includes collaborative work happening in costa mesa and newport beach as well as supporting other cities that are getting their movement started.