Program areas at Trinity Free Clinic
This year Trinity Free Clinic provided 10,270 Free medical visits to uninsured, under-insured and low-income residents of hamilton county. Our quick care Clinic (qcc) provided same day acute medical care and prescriptions to patients suffering from mild injury or illness, such as ear infections, strep throat, and bronchitis to help get them back to work and school quickly. Trinity's specialty clinics provided care in the fields of asthma/allergies, hypertension, women's health, diet/nutrition, podiatry, physical therapy, pediatrics, and childhood vaccines. Our chronic disease care and prevention clinics work to prevent or mitigate effects of diabetes, hypertension, and other diseases that impact vunlnerable populations.
Trinity Free Clinic's allied health education programs transform lives through education and vocational training for underserved populations, helping to build a diverse and culturally inclusive healthcare workforce. Our medical assisting, dental assisting, and medical interpreting programs offer classroom instruction and clinical experience in one location so graduates emerge confident, competent, and ready to work.
Dental care. Trinity Free Clinic provided 2,645 Free dental visits. As part of our 3-year strategic plan, we lowered our age for treatment from 18 to 12 years' old with an increased commitment to prevention and restoration (and extraction only as a last resort). Our dedicated staff and team of volunteers provided uninsured dental patients with comprehensive exams, diagnostic x-rays, fillings/restorations, fluoride treatments, hygiene, root canals, and stainless steel and porselain crowns. Prescriptions for infection and pain were provided to patients via our onsite pharmacy. The Clinic increased capacity to care for patients by partnering with the iu school of dentistry.
Trinity Free Clinic is the only Free Clinic in hamilton county to provide Free vision services. Proper vision is essential for doing one's best at work or school. 597 eye Clinic patients received Free comprehensive eye exams and Free eyeglass fittings and prescriptions to maximize their efforts and outcomes. In addition, Trinity Free Clinic offers essential disease screening, including glaucoma and cataract screenings, to ensure eye health for years to come.