Program areas at T1F
Operation warrior call:continuing communications between "battle buddies" redeployed home may be essential to transition out of the stress endured downrange. The comfort of knowing that a trusted friend who has also been "outside the wire" is a phone call away could mean the difference between a good decision and a bad decision on any given day. However, the call needs to be placed and the phone needs to be answered. Operation warrior call is an awareness campaign that beckons our brave warriors to reach out to one another in hopes that reconnecting will facilitate honest dialogue, create a desire to stay in contact and for some warriors help define a viable pathway forward. Three "pillars" constitute the warrior pledge:1. Make the call: the best advocate for a warrior is another warrior and lessons learned are valuable assets.2. Answer the call: this is the best way to continue looking out for the warriors on your left and right.3. Be honest: situational awareness can lead to a positive course of action.operation warrior call also calls on american citizens to make their own "civilian pledge" to create awareness of the initiative among service members, active and retired, within their community.
Leroy petry village of honor:most often when a warrior is severely wounded in combat, a protracted recovery process begins. There are many stages in the recovery process, and each recovery is unique to the individual warrior. However, all must go through a medical evaluation known as the med board. This usually starts when most medical procedures are complete and therapeutic services are well underway. The med board can take from nine months to almost two years. This is when many warriors most often need and seek additional housing options. In an effort to continue with the Foundation's mission of developing relevant initiatives to assist warriors with reintegrating back to civilian life, the leroy petry village of honor has been built. This is a transitional housing program that consists of seven single family accessible homes. These homes are available for a one to two year period to warriors and their families who are transitioning out of the military after injuries sustained in the warrior call initiative grows through in-person and virtual engagements, individualized responses providing various types of assistance and the planned launch of national warrior call day, the Foundation has established yet another viable resource under the warrior call umbrella the warrior call ranch.warrior call ranch:the warrior call ranch is a six-bedroom, 10,500 square foot facility located in mount airy, Maryland on 35 mostly wooded acres. It is approximately one hour from baltimore and the nation's capital. The ranch is a perfect setting for the Foundation to host warrior retreats, warrior family getaways and summits for both active duty personnel and veteran groups that expand our bandwidth and outreach is important to understand the warrior call ranch will provide a safe, relaxing, non-judgmental environment where all guests can "catch their breath."
Operation reintegration:beyond our larger programs and initiatives, the Foundation interacts on a daily basis with injured service members. Time spent meeting warriors and their families, building relationships and gaining trust so as to facilitate meaningful future assistance during the many stages of recovery has enabled us to develop a network within the warrior care landscape. Operation reintegration serves as a catch-all for these daily activities with in-patients, out-patients and those who have returned home and their families. Because each individual has varying needs, the Foundation assists with everyday situations such as grocery shopping and buying gym clothes for physical therapy that fit over their prosthetics. The Foundation's goal is to be available for the needs of our warriors as they arise.24/7 battle buddies:24/7 battle buddies is a program that matches canines to wounded military veterans who have served in iraq and afghanistan. Each 24/7 battle buddy is carefully selected for their partner. The training is then specific to the warrior's needs and intended to assist in successfully navigating everyday life.