Program areas at True Colors United
Advocacy: True Colors United works in Washington d.c. and state capitols around the country to give lgbtq youth experiencing homelessness a voice in government and to ensure strong public policy is in place so that vital social services are properly funded and lgbtq+ and bipoc youth are protected. Projects include the administrative public policy project, legislative public policy project, and the state index on youth homelessness. True Colors United also works to inspire, engage, and empower the public to get involved in ending homelessness among lgbtq+ and bipoc youth and create a world in which they can be their True selves. Projects include #truecolorsday and the safe home campaign with the United nations human rights office.
Training and education: True Colors United works with communities and service providers, such as shelters, transitional living programs, and other public and private housing and homelessness agencies, to ensure lgbtq+ and bipoc youth experiencing homelessness have access to the inclusive and affirming services they need. True Colors United develops resources to provide education and training to service providers about lgbtq+ identity, discrimination, racial equity, youth collaboration, and project management. These resources include the equity hub, online learning community, digital toolkits, video trainings, and other safe space tools.
Technical assistance: True Colors United provides technical assistance to communities on building system-level responses to youth homelessness that provide meaningful opportunities for young people to lead at the local level. The technical assistance department works with communities that have been awarded hud's youth homelessness demonstration program funding to support them in developing a strong action plan for youth collaboration alongside federal project funding for youth services while building their competencies in lgbtq+ and racial equity.
Youth action: True Colors United provides leadership development programming for youth and young adults with lived experience of homelessness through the national youth forum on homelessness (nyfh) and the youth action society. The nyfh is a group comprised exclusively of young people to contribute to the growing national dialogue on how to make youth homelessness rare, brief, and non-recurring. The nyfh ensures that the national conversation is informed by and filtered through a lgbtq+ and racial equity lens, as well as the perspectives of young people who have experienced homelessness, and that strategies to end homelessness are generated by youth and young adults themselves. The youth action society is a coalition of local youth action boards which provides a meaningful connection with peers and access to resources to help youth action boards across the country grow their impact on local and national movements to end True Colors United provides support and works in partnership with organizations working to address lgbtq+ youth homelessness abroad. The international department provides intensive training and skills development around youth action principles, facilitates cross-sector collaboration between lgbtq+ advocacy orgs and homelessness service providers, and is leading research on the prevalence and experiences of youth homelessness in east africa. (expenses: $121,703)general program: True Colors United conducts programmatic activities that benefit all five areas of our work: training & education, advocacy, technical assistance, international, and youth action. (expenses: $664,493)