Program areas at Truett McConnell University
Instruction - the mission of Truett Mcconnell University is to equip students with the truth, through a biblically-centered education, to fulfill the great commission. Tmu encompasses a family of godly scholars, staff, and students with the goal of fostering a christian worldview. The University, proudly affiliated with the Georgia baptist convention, has a rich heritage dating back to 1946. It is named after two southern baptist preachers george w. Truett and fernando, the University is an accredited institution that offers forty-one baccalaureate majors in the fields of biology, business, christian studies, crimiinal justice, education, english, exercise science, history, music, nursing, psychology, global studies, as well as seven master's degrees in business, divinity, education, global studies, professional counseling and theology. Students choosing Truett Mcconnell University will be academically challenged by some of the brightest scholars in their respective fields of study. Ultimately, the blend between academic excellence and christian virtue provides the graduate with the greatest ability to succeed in life. The truth matters to a greater degree. This motto is focused around these four pillars: love the lord, love his word, love the church and love the lost. In may 2023 tmu conferred 207 graduate and undergraduate degrees.
Auxiliary enterprises - living on campus is an important part of the overall educational and discipleship experience at tmu. We are committed to the development of students into disciples of christ and seek to further this goal through living, learning, playing, praying, and studying god's word together in our residence hall communities. We seek to build god-honoring communities that both challenge and support residents, as well as build and strengthen relationships. Regardless of which residence hall you live in, you will become part of a community committed to your christian discipleship and academic success.
Financial aid - Truett Mcconnell University is committed to providing a quality educational experience to students from all economic backgrounds. For graduating high school students and parents, the thought of college can be a financial burden. However, tmu works with students to help make the financial aid process easier to follow and understand. 100% of all first-time freshmen receive financial aid.
Student life - your experiences as a tmu student are some of the most transformative and exciting years of your life. Student life exists to enhance campus life through exceptional programs that encourage leadership, unity, service and christian faith. Academically, socially and spiritually, we desire that you become the individual god has called you to be while enjoying the journey along the way.