Program areas at Tu Nidito Children and Family Services
One-on-one support for Children with serious medical conditions (pathways): provision of intensive home, hospital and community based support for Children diagnosed with a serious medical condition. Services are designed to assist each Family member through the difficulty and stress of diagnosis, change in prognosis and course of treatment. Professional support specialists, and highly trained volunteers provide individualized support to the seriously ill child, their siblings and their caregivers.
Volunteers are the heart of the agency. The agency usually has more than 150 dedicated people who volunteer their time in different ways:tu Nidito is governed by a volunteer board of directors, entrusted with the authority to establish major policies and accountability for the agency's actions, including fiscal responsibility. Additional volunteer activities include support group volunteers who facilitate peer support groups for Children, teens and adults whose lives have been impacted by death. One-on-one volunteers assist Tu Nidito staff support specialists who are working with a Family who has a child with a serious medical condition. Volunteers also assist with special events and community events as well as office and project work.
The children-to-children bereavement support program provides ongoing support groups for Children, teenagers and families who are grieving the death of a loved one. The agency provides a safe place where grieving Children can share their loss experience in a caring, supportive environment. Families meet twice a month to take part in age-appropriate support and activities for Children ages 4 through 18 years of age. Concurrent adult groups are facilitated by trained volunteers and coordinated by a staff member.
Grief support group for young adults: an ongoing grief support program specifically designed for young adults ages 18 through 29. The group meets twice a month and is facilitated by trained volunteers and coordinated by staff. The group provides young adults with a safe and supportive place where they can grieve the death of a loved one and meet others experiencing similar circumstances and issues. Support for families experiencing the death of their child (angels by your side)the agency continues to stay with families in the event their child's serious medical condition progresses. The agency's staff support specialists assist families in navigating the devastation of a failing prognosis, and when appropriate, offer age-specific support for the diagnosed child to work through the dying process. The agency professionals remain present with the Family into the most difficult time imaginable, including the death of their child, and continue to provide individualized one on one bereavement Services to all interested Family members for a minimum of 18 group for Children who have a parent with cancer or other serious medical condition (cpc)the agency offers ongoing support groups for Children and teenagers who have a parent diagnosed with cancer or other serious medical conditions. The agency provides a safe place where Children, teens and parents can share their experiences in a caring, supportive environment. Families meet twice a month to take part in age appropriate support and activities for Children ages 4 through 18 years of age. Concurrent support groups are offered for both the diagnosed parent and other parent or adult impact/education/intervention: recognizing that Children and families going to Tu Nidito may not get the same type of grief support from their communities Tu Nidito trains teachers, counselors and community agencies and individuals on Children and grief and provides tools for ongoing support and understanding. Tu Nidito support specialists are also available to support our communities Children in response to crisis siutations including the death of a student or faculty member through an in-depth intervention program. Opportunity youth: through a partnership with metro goodwill, Tu Nidito provides closed session, typically 8 to 10 weeks, bereavement support groups for opportunty youth - teens and young adults, 16-24 who have been involved in the juvenile justice system.