Program areas at Tulsa Regional STEM Alliance
Mentoring: Expenses - $253,857; Grants - $86,400In 2023, our mentorship program encompassed two of our largest and most establishedprojects: "Me and My Math Mentor and Space Week." The "Me and My Math Mentor"initiative delivered over 1,000 hours of mentorship to elementary students, with a focus on enhancing math competency and literacy skills. "Space Week" provided exposure to aerospace and aviation careers for more than 1,000 students across northeastern Oklahoma. Notably, students who participated in "Space Week" reported a 22.8-point increase in their belief that they are STEM individuals after attending the event. Overall, our mentorship efforts reached 2,125 students, offering them valuable STEM experiences and opportunities to connect with STEM professionals, fostering a sense of belonging within the STEM community. Curriculum & Resources: Expenses - $191,115; Grants - $125,952The Curriculum and Resource Program area offers a comprehensive library of STEMmaterials available for educators to utilize and borrow. This area also includes the "STEM in a Bag" initiative, which provides take-home STEM activities paired with an in-depth curriculum, and the OpenSciEd field test, for which TRSA serves as the state lead in this national curriculum pilot. In 2023, 15,855 "STEM in a Bag" activities were distributed across the state, offering all necessary materials, curriculum, literary connections, and extensions to complete each activity. The OpenSciEd initiative successfully piloted a statewide, open-access, high-quality elementary science curriculum, with 100% of participants affirming its usefulness and relevance to their students' lived experiences. Additionally, the STEM Shoppe, available to Tulsa-based educators, resulted in over$249,000 in material cost savings for schools, thanks to the resources borrowedthroughout the year. Altogether, this program area facilitated STEM experiences for more than 40,000 students.Professional Development: Expenses - $169,921; Grants - $10,000TRSA provides extensive professional learning opportunities to empower and equip PK-12 teachers and informal educators to bring high-impact learning opportunities to their students. In 2023, programs such as exponential growth,, and senseational science, plus 40 additional professional development experiences served 921 educators from nearly 100 school districts, totaling 6,202 hours of hands-on professional learning for educators across the state.Other: Expenses - $822,410; Grants - $99,951Various programs conducted throughout 2023 including summer and school year STEM camps, programs, and competitions.