Program areas at Turning Point Center of Central Vermont
Our core program is to provide a safe, alcohol and other-drug free environment in which people in recovery can receive one-to-one and group peer support, participate in educational programs, and engage in sober recreation and social activities. We also host outside recovery mutual support groups such as alcoholics anonymous, narcotics anonymous, al-anon, and families anonymous. We also host parenting programs, life skills groups,and healthy activities such as yoga. Among the groups/programs we facilitate or conduct are making recovery easier, an evidence-based workshop series that introduces participants to basic recovery concepts and activities; smart recovery, which provides a peer-led introduction to established clinical techniques for handling stress,difficult emotions, substance cravings, etc. ; and the all-recovery meeting, a recovery support group that welcomes people on all pathways to recovery. During our fiscal year between july 2022 and june 30, 2023, we welcomed 2,580 unique individuals to our recovery Center for a total of 7,209 visits. During that same period our recovery center-based recovery coaches engaged with 530 individuals.
We have a special program linking people receiving medication assisted treatment (mat) for opioid use disorder with recovery supports and the larger recovery community. During the past year our mat guide - the peer recovery coach responsible for carrying out this program - conducted recovery support meetings at regional and local mat clinics, provided individual recovery support to individuals who were in, or seeking to be inducted into, the mat program, and facilitated recovery groups at Turning Point intended to welcome mat patients into the local recovery community.
Our 2nd program is called "recovery coaches in the emergency department- and involves providing peer recovery coaches in the emergency department of two area hospitals, Central Vermont medical Center (cvmc)and gifford medical Center (gmc). The program started on january 15, 2018, as described in previous forms 990.during this past year, between july 1, 2022 and june 30, 2023,our recovery coaches engaged with 496 patients at the two hospitals.
To provide a peer recovery coach (rc) to the montpelier police department (mpd) and barre city police department (bcpd)to engage with persons encountered by the police who exhibit symptoms of a substance use disorder. The rc follows up with referrals from mpd on a weekly basis; accompanies an officer on foot patrols through downtown montpelier to engage with individuals on the street as well as business owners; and attends "coffee with a cop" with an officer at public events. Further the rc's activities have been expanded to include ride-alongs in patrol cars. We are now operating pursuant to mou's with both departments.