Program areas at Tyrrell-Washington Partnership for Children
Child Care Resource & Referral (3104): A full-time Child Care Resource and Referral Coordinator and full-time (partially funded by this activity) Program Manager housed at the Tyrrell-Washington Partnership for Children office will provide enhanced CCR&R Services to parents, in conjunction with the CCR&R regional call center, and child care providers in Tyrrell and Washington Counties to improve the quality of care and to educate families on the importance of quality child care. These services will include: maintaining a database of providers; coordinating training for providers; publishing a newsletter and annual training calendar; operating a lending library; participating in community events; and providing both general and intensive technical assistance to child care facilities to support quality. Intensive technical assistance will include facility assessments based on the Environment Rating Scales and developing plans of action to help facilities maintain or increase their stars on the rated license. Plans of action developed with the director/owner of the child care facility will include needs identified in the facility assessment and both facility and individual professional development plans. In addition, resources on development of children that may include Welcome Baby materials and kindergarten readiness information and supplies will be offered. CCR&R staff will coordinate Week of the Young Child activities in both Tyrrell and Washington Counties, and host the annual provider appreciation event should funding be available. Costs associated with the North Carolina Early Educator Level 11 Certification (EEC) will be paid for should funding be available.
NC Pre Kindergarten Program (2342): Financial assistance will be paid on a direct per child basis for the purpose of enhancing the NC Pre-K rate for children enrolled in and being served through NC Pre-K and whose families are eligible for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) or the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF). Does NOT include wrap-around care. Data will be reported as directed by DCDEE.
Family Support: Triple P(5505) -The Positive Parenting (Triple P) will support the prevention of social, emotional and behavioral problems in childhood, the prevention of child maltreatment, and the strengthening of parenting and parental confidence. This program will have a multi-level framework so information and professional support can be tailored to the needs of the individual families who have differing needs the type, intensity and mode of assistance provided. The levels of intervention supported through this activity will include one or more of the following: Level 1 to offer a media-based parent information campaign for all parents interested in information about parenting and promoting their child's development, Level 2 to provide information and advice for parents, Pre-Kindergarten teachers and child care providers with specific concerns regarding common child development or minor behavior issues, Level 3 to provide consultations or active skills training for parents with specific concerns about discrete child behavior problem, Level 4 to provide intensive training in positive parenting skills for parents typically of children with more severe behavior problems, and/or seminars. Meals and/or snacks along with educational items such as books may be provided at Triple P Seminars or at any of the above level sessions as incentives to attend. Gas cards up to $25.00 in value and Gift Cards up to $25 in value may be provided to parents completing three or more parenting sessions in any of the above levels or seminars. Staff will complete the Triple P Provider Certification Training process in one or more of the above levels. The program will be implemented with fidelity to the model.
Raising a Reader Literacy Program (5512): A Raising A Reader (RAR) Community Coordinator will implement Raising A Reader, a program that promotes improved literacy development through daily book sharing between caregivers and young children. The RAR Coordinator will hold a Bachelor's degree in early childhood education or related human service field and is required to attend the RAR National Coordinator Training prior to initial implementation. Coordinators will host two trainings for the site implementers that have been identified to participate in this project. Identified families will be loaned a book bag containing high quality developmentally appropriate children's books. The books will be exchanged each week. Parents of the children in the project will be invited to participate in at least two parent workshops where they will learn book sharing strategies. At least one library event will be provided for RAR participants and their families. Participants and their families will be provided with library information, library card application, and other community literacy resources. The program will be implemented with model fidelity as described above. Smart Start funds may also be used in Tyrrell and Washington Counties for books for children, childcare for participants, snacks at parent meetings and/or incentives for eligible participants.
WEYERHAUSER GRANT (3415): General support for existing programs and/or playground improvement and/or child care health consultant services.
Evaluation(5603): This activity provides for the planning, collection, analysis, reporting, and monitoring of service activities to meet those Partnership needs. A part-time contracted evaluator will be responsible for creating and insuring the implementation of evaluation techniques for all activities. The data generated will be submitted to the web-based Smart Start reporting system by Partnership staff, and a year-end report will be presented to the Partnership Board of Directors by the consultant. The year-end report will provide local board members with information necessary to help them determine if projects should be approved for continuation each year, and will help them chart progress toward meeting the performance standards identified in the Performance Based Incentive System. Periodic Strategic Planning and/or Needs Assessment for future programming may occur based on information gathered during evaluation.
Dolly Parton Imagination Library (5526): Increases access to books for children ages 0-5 by providing a book a month.
Be Active Kids (3424):