Program areas at UFM Community Learning Center
UFM Education Program: This is UFM's largest program and primary mission activity. The education program offers a wide variety of noncredit and credit courses and workshops. In FY23, UFM offered 939 noncredit courses and 245 courses were offered for credit through Kansas State University. In FY23, 1,496 (unduplicated count) persons took noncredit courses and 1,171 received KSU credit for their coursework. Class topics included aquatics, arts and hobbies, foods and nutrition, earth and nature, health and fitness, and recreation. UFM collaborates with many other organizations to serve the community and participates in community awareness activities.
UFM Teen Mentoring Program: The Teen Mentoring program offers a structured program of support and life skills to youth in grades 7-12. Project goals for the teens include learning positive life skills and focusing on primary prevention and intervention activities. Students from Kansas State University serve as mentors. Participant referrals come from the schools, community corrections, parents and teen participants who sometimes bring their friends. This program is funded by the City of Manhattan KS Special Alcohol Fund. In FY23, the program offered three after school groups each week. In FY23, 54 youth and 47 college mentors participated in the program.
Manhattan Area Risk Prevention Coalition (MARPC): UFM receives and administers grant funds on behalf of MARPC, a coalition of 12 community sector representative organizations and individuals. The group's focus is risk reduction and prevention among youth, especially in the area of drug/alcohol use issues and prevention activities. A new area that carries over from FY22 is vaping among youth and fentanyl education. In FY23, MARPC received year seven of a federal Drug Free Communities grant. Funding was used for a media campaign on social hosting, responsible alcohol use and not providing alcohol to minors. MARPC coordinated Sticker Shock at Fort Riley. This project used over 20 volunteers to place stickers on packaged goods in liquor stores reminding purchasers not to provide alcohol to minors. MARPC also worked with the police department and the county health department to share information to the community. They sponsored programs by an organization called Tall Cop to educate school personnel and parents about the reality of drug availability in the community and how to recognize it. The group scheduled many television and radio announcements about alcohol use and abuse prevention. MARPC had 3,406 program participants. No measurement for media messages was available. MARPC received a grant from Cox Communication to pay for Tall Cop. Other donations came from the Kroger Company and Crime Stoppers.
Manhattan Community Garden: Low cost garden plots are available for Manhattan and Riley County residents. Electronic newsletters are produced three times a year and an electronic gardening hints newsletter is sent weekly during the gardening season. Power tools, hand tools, hoses and some seeds are provided for use by gardeners as well. Land for the gardens is leased from the City of Manhattan and from Riley County. In FY23, 176 families gardened 280 plots. Revenue appears to be high because plot rental sign-ups overlap two fiscal years with much of the revenue for the following year collected in the current year. Excess funds are used for garden maintenance, equipment purchase and reserved for future garden development. This is the oldest community garden in Kansas, established in 1974.
Project EXCELL (Extending College Education for Lifelong Learning): Project EXCELL provides enrichment education in a college-like setting to area adults with mild developmental disabilities. Traditional college students serve as mentors and classroom aides. Classes are held on Saturday mornings in the fall and spring semesters on the K-State campus. In FY23, 147 students participated either as EXCELL students or KSU student assistants.
Lou Douglas Lectures: This lecture series brings speakers to the Kansas State University campus. The theme of the series focuses on social justice, human rights and world peace. In addition to the evening lectures, speakers often visit K-State classes, meet with students and participate in campus and community events. In FY23, Eric Dozier provided two programs about social justice through musical expression. 468 individuals participated in the programs.
Short Projects: Short Projects supports contributions to small community projects. UFM serves as the screener for local youth tennis scholarships. In FY23, no new funds were obtained, 5 tennis scholarships were granted.