EIN 38-2241312

Underground Railroad

IRS 501(c) type
Num. employees
Year formed
Most recent tax filings
To provide shelter and service for survivors of domestic violence, stalking, and sexual assault and to provide leadership and programs to end violence against women in our community.
Total revenues
Total expenses
Total assets
Num. employees

Program areas at Underground Railroad

Supportive housing: the Underground Railroad (urr) offers three types of supportive housing for victims of domestic violence or sexual assault who need relocation assistance. Rapid rehousing is a six month scattered site housing assistance program that allows victims to transition from unsafe housing directly into a new housing situation (13 families served). Transitional housing is a 24-month housing assistance program for victims leaving shelter who need longer term assistance gaining financial independence. Housing is provided in either five apartments owned by urr or in scattered site rental units (90 families housed). Permanent supportive housing is a long term program housing program for survivors who have disabilities. The participants are housed in five homes located in the city of saginaw owned by urr; (10 families housed).
Children's services: the Underground Railroad (urr) offers three programs for children. Girls on the run (gotr) great lakes bay is a local council of gotr international, which is a national program for elementary and middle school girls. Urr's program is offered in the fall and spring at schools in saginaw, bay, arenac, tuscola, huron, midland, gladwin, clare, and iosco counties. Girls learn to make healthy choices and be joyful in a program that incorporates running and walking to build confidence and self-esteem. The spring 2023 program concluded with 137 girls participating in the dow runwalk. The fall 2023 program concluded with 133 girls participating in the girls on the run great lakes bay 5k.urr operates a state licensed childcare for residents of our emergency shelter and transitional housing programs and for non-resident victims who are attending group or individual counseling sessions (7,922 units provided). Individual and group counseling is available for children impacted by domestic violence (92 children served).
Domestic violence programming: the Underground Railroad (urr) is saginaw county's only domestic violence victim service agency. Services are provided for primary and secondary victims free of charge. These services include 24 hour helpline (2,942 calls); 46 bed emergency shelter (12,304 nights of shelter); individual crisis/supportive counseling (17,441 units); group counseling (784 unit); legal advocacy (3,400 court cases accompanied); personal protection order advocacy (529 ppos); and supervised visitation (93 families served).
Sexual assault intervention and prevention: the Underground Railroad (urr) provides advocacy, counseling and prevention education programming. Services are provided for primary and secondary victims free of charge. These services include 24 hour helpline (55 calls); individual supportive counseling (760 units); and supportive services(496 units). Victim's services are provided at various locations on the east side of the city of saginaw. Prevention education programming is offered at k-12 schools and summer camps throughout saginaw county. Programming includes bullying prevention and healthy relationship curriculums (3,830 participants).resale store: the Underground Railroad (urr) operates a resale store as a revenue source to support its programs and services and to provide clothing and household items free of charge to clients $35,614 client vouchers.

Who funds Underground Railroad

Grants from foundations and other nonprofits
Nickless Family Charitable FoundationUnrestricted Purposes$40,000
Alden and Vada Dow FundOperating$25,000
Saginaw Community Foundation (SCF)Safety Center Elevat$18,500
...and 16 more grants received

Personnel at Underground Railroad

Christi BirchmeierPresident and Chief Executive Officer$95,611
Mari McKenzieTreasurer$0
Jay PeplinskiVice Chair$0
Darlene KrumpholzSecretary$0
Terri CarmichaelChair$0
...and 7 more key personnel

Financials for Underground Railroad

RevenuesFYE 09/2023
Total grants, contributions, etc.$3,501,692
Program services$34,225
Investment income and dividends$25,086
Tax-exempt bond proceeds$0
Royalty revenue$0
Net rental income$0
Net gain from sale of non-inventory assets$-3,431
Net income from fundraising events$6,168
Net income from gaming activities$0
Net income from sales of inventory$391,332
Miscellaneous revenues$5,126
Total revenues$3,960,198

Form 990s for Underground Railroad

Fiscal year endingDate received by IRSFormPDF link
2023-092024-02-29990View PDF
2022-092023-03-22990View PDF
2021-092022-03-23990View PDF
2020-092021-04-13990View PDF
2018-092019-06-19990View PDF
...and 8 more Form 990s

Organizations like Underground Railroad

Delaware Coalition Against Domestic ViolenceWilmington, DE$1,798,943
Jackson County Casa (CASA)Kansas City, MO$2,493,372
Peace HousePark City, UT$3,539,955
Ecli-Vibes (VIBS)Islandia, NY$3,714,732
Sepa MujerPatchogue, NY$1,389,744
Street GraceNorcross, GA$2,289,142
Battered Women's Justice ProjectSaint Paul, MN$7,022,156
Metropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual Assualt (MOCSA)Kansas City, MO$14,080,108
Meals on Wheels WacoWaco, TX$2,705,218
Caws North DakotaBismarck, ND$1,482,537
Data update history
January 7, 2025
Received grants
Identified 6 new grant, including a grant for $18,500 from Saginaw Community Foundation (SCF)
October 19, 2024
Received grants
Identified 7 new grant, including a grant for $40,000 from Nickless Family Charitable Foundation
July 9, 2024
Received grants
Identified 1 new grant, including a grant for $25,000 from Alden and Vada Dow Fund
May 27, 2024
Posted financials
Added Form 990 for fiscal year 2023
May 21, 2024
Updated personnel
Identified 1 new personnel
Nonprofit Types
Crime and legal aid organizationsFamily violence sheltersCharitiesChurches
Human servicesHuman rightsReligionAbuse preventionCrime and law
ReligiousLobbyingFundraising eventsReceives government fundingEndowed supportCommunity engagement / volunteeringGala fundraisersTax deductible donationsAccepts online donations
General information
5647 State St A
Saginaw, MI 48603
Metro area
Saginaw, MI
Saginaw County, MI
Website URL
(989) 399-0007
Facebook page
Twitter profile
IRS details
Fiscal year end
Taxreturn type
Form 990
Year formed
Eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions (Pub 78)
NTEE code, primary
I70: Protection Against, Prevention of Neglect, Abuse, Exploitation
NAICS code, primary
813110: Religious Organizations
Parent/child status
Free account sign-up

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