Program areas at Union County Community Action
Head start/early head start:head start purposes are to provide education, development, socialization, health & nutrition services to 3-4 year old children. Early head start purposes are to provide health, nutrition, and developmental services to pregnant mothers and infants/toddlers age birth through 2.
The Community services block grant's propel program provides professional readiness opportunities for low-income families to achieve economic self-sufficiency. Intensive coaching services and financial assistance help provide eligible participants with support for educational advancement, career planning and assessment, work experience, and employment workshops to help develop the skills necessary to obtain employment. 29 families benefited from the standard csgb program and an additional 207 families were served through the csbg cares program.
The n.c. pre-kindergarten program is state-funded. This program, through a specific pre-school curriculum, helps prepare four year olds for school.
The child adult food program (cacfp) is a federal program that provides reimbursements for nutritious meals and snacks to eligible children enrolled in participating headstart & early head start programs. Ucca serves up to 440 head start and up to 140 early head start children across anson, richmond, and Union counties. Each child receives a nutritious breakfast, lunch, and snack each day.ucca receives support from richmond County partnership for children to provide classroom materials for our 4 year old classrooms. Ucca also receives support from universal service administrative company to provide internet access to the head start program in anson, richmond, and Union counties.