Program areas at UCP
Preschool - in partnership with Mobile county public school system and satsuma city schools, ucp of Mobile preschool provides exceptional services to approximately 30 children, with and without disabilities, each school year. Our three preschool classrooms offer a unique opportunity for children with different levels of ability and development to grow, learn, and play together.
Supported employment - ucp of Mobile's supported employment is committed to helping qualified individuals with disabilities find and maintain competitive employment. We achieve this through a unique, hands-on approach to connecting our applicants to the hiring needs of employers.
Early intervention - with seven programs offering services in twenty counties (baldwin, butler, choctaw, clarke, coffee, conecuh, covington, crenshaw, elmore, escambia, geneva, henry, houston, lee, Mobile, monroe, montgomery, pike, russell and Washington), ucp of Mobile is one of Alabama's largest providers of early intervention services. Early intervention programs are designed to guide parents as they help their children reach their potential.
Respite and personal care - all parents need time away from their children, but people who have the added financial and emotional pressures of parenting a child with a disability often cannot get this much-needed break. Hearts respite program services the following counties: Mobile, baldwin, escambia, clark, Washington, monroe, lowndes, montgomery, autauga, elmore, bullock, butler, crenshaw, pike, barbour, conecuh, covington, coffee, dale, henry, geneva, and houston.
Camp smile - through camp smile, ucp of Mobile provides four weeks of traditional summer camp activities for more than 320 children and adults with disabilities. By adapting the equipment and/or the rules of play, our camp is able to offer each camper the opportunity to swim, play ball, ride horses, and more.
Adult services - our therapists may see adults for specialized augmentative/alternative evaluations, equipment evaluations, environmental control accessibility, or wheelchair/seating evaluations. Training in the use of assistive technology may also take place for a specified length of time. Ucp of Mobile also provides an adult day program with the purpose of providing support and services that enhance the lives of adults with disabilities.
Other - ucp of Mobile offers a variety of other services such as childcare training, parent education, and career services.