Program areas at United Cerebral Palsy of Northwest Missouri
Children's program - 242 served. Ucp's children's program provides a wide range of services specifically designed to promote the development and learning of children with special needs birth to 5 years of age. Pediatric services include occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy and developmental preschool. These early intervention services focus on all areas of development including, cognitive, communication, fine motor, gross motor, self-help skills and social-emotional skills. Services are provided where the child and family naturally spend time, families' homes, childcare and other locations in the community. Preschool services and outpatient therapies are also provided at ucp's facility in saint joseph.
Employment program - 166 served. The employment program assists adults with disabilities in obtaining successful employment. Summer work experience gives high school juniors the opportunity to experience their first job while still in school. Through discovery and exploration and career planning activities the individual's strengths and needs are identified along with their preferences for work environments, hours of employment and other job related issues. Job placement finds a job that matches the client's skills and preferences. The third phase of the program, job coaching, gives individual attention to training the person to meet the needs of the work environment. Follow along service provides ongoing support to ensure longevity and successful employment.
Adult program - 72 served. The adult program is designed to assist adults with significant developmental disabilities in learning skills to maximize independence, participate in volunteer and recreational activities and develop meaningful relationships. Through the personal planning process skills that will improve the quality of life for the program participant are identified. Individual program plans are then developed to address each skill identified. Services are provided in the center and/or community, based on the needs, interest and skill level of the program participant. Examples of center-based activities include cooking, music, computer, arts and academics. Community activities include volunteering for local libraries, churches and meals on wheels. Recreational activities include going to the gym, shopping and bowling.