Program areas at United Charitable
The foundation against intolerance and racism (fair) is a non-partisan organization dedicated to advancing civil rights and liberties for all americans, and promoting a common culture based on fairness, understanding and humanity. Charitable activities to carry out their mission include defending civil liberties and rights that are guaranteed to each individual regardless of skin color, ancestry, or other immutable characteristics. Fundraising techniques consist of donations from supporting individuals, campaigns, events, private grants, and donor advised funds.
Deartomorrow's mission is to provide an easy tool, in the form of a digital and archive system, that allows people to personally connect with the issue of climate change and encourage taking stronger action by sharing personal stories with friends, families and their social networks. Participants submit letters, videos and photos dedicated to their children, family, or themselves about climate change, which are then shared publicly on their website and the participant's social networks. Deartomorrow also participates in global events held by the un and other international organizations. Fundraising techniques focus on donations from individuals, campaigns, private grants, as well as large international grants from organizations that strongly support the mission.
Cheesecake factory employee help fund, like most Charitable programs, focuses on strengthening a community. The community of focus for help fund is the employee of cheesecake factory. Help fund is structured as a corporate program that provides relief grants to cheesecake factory employees that are deemed eligible due to their unexpected life altering occurrences. Funding consists of corporate support and outside support.
Uc programs perform a wide variety of services to the community. The majority of them have well-developed websites, as well as online fundraising and social media presence. Our top performing programs fall into the following categories: children/youth, education, faith-based ministries, community development, environment, social justice, and health. On average, each uc program has at least ten volunteers that assist them throughout the year, with a total of 1,852 volunteers for all of uc in 2023. Our programs have advisory committees consisting of at least three individuals that meet an average of 4 times a year, and most programs are located near large metropolitan areas. The majority of uc's top-performing programs conduct fundraisers, including several with well-established golf tournaments and galas. On average, uc programs have around ten or more years of experience operatingunderneath a fiscal sponsor.