Program areas at United Churches Elizabethtown Area
Cpow (community place on Washington) this program is the physical property of ucea located at 53-61 & 105 east Washington street in Elizabethtown, pa. It consists of multiple buildings and a pole barn. Cpow provides space through licensing agreements to other 501(c)(3) organizations to provide necessary support to those in need at greatly reduced rates. Ucea also provides building oversite, volunteer receptionists, internet, utilities, cleaning, repairs and other overhead costs. In addition, ucea also provides space at little or no charge for services such as ged classes, computer lab, bear bags, toast masters, and vita tax preparation, and provides space free of charge for a winter homeless shelter and a community clothing barn. Four living units within one of the buildings were recentley renovated to provide additional housing options.
Food ministry the biggest part of the food ministry program is the community cupboard of Elizabethtown. Food is distributed twice a week to those in need within the Elizabethtown Area. During 2023, over 100 volunteers, ranging in age from high school students to retired persons, gave over 2,100 hours of their time. Over 1,800 households (over 2,600 individuals) were served. The number of households needing assistance has increased significantly over the past five years. Food is donated by individuals, Churches and grocery stores and cash is received from individuals, Churches and businesses. Central pa food bank gives food, grants, and special pricing to the community cupboard of Elizabethtown. Meals on wheels is another piece of the food ministry. In conjunction with the lancaster county office of aging, meals are distributed almost evry weekday to those approved. There are approximately 10 volunteers who donate over 15 hours a week.
Fundraising for ucea is accomplished via community awareness which includes newspaper articles, participation at the Elizabethtown fair, capital campaigns, and community invitations to events at cpow. Fundraising is also done through the local Churches in two ways - written announcements in their church bulletins and/or church newsletters/special appeals. The delegates of ucea are also church members representing each of the Churches. As such, they are personally reponsible for ucea information to be distributed to church members.