Program areas at United Health Services of St Joseph County
Community Services for the deaf provides american sign language interpreting and care management for the deaf and hard of hearing in a multi-county area of north central Indiana and southwest Michigan. All csad sign language interpreters are licensed through the registry of interpreters for the deaf and act as a conduit to the hearing worked. Care management Services assist with the educational and employment opportunities, advocacy, housing and the activities of daily living issues to maximize quality of life. Over 6,400 hours of interpreting Services and 130 hours of case management Services were provided in 2022.
Breast Health programs United Health Services coordinate access to breast and cervical diagnostic Services for medically underserved women. The breast Health programs facilitate community, state and federal funds to provide free mammograms and cervical screenings, diagnostic procedures and early detection education to over 2,000 women annually. The breast Health advocate assesses which programs offer survivorship support for women undergoing treatment and for those women who have completed treatment.
Covering kids and families is a coalition of local partners with one goal: total Health coverage. United Health Services is the coalition partner for north central Indiana, responsible for St. Joseph, elkhart, and marshall counties, to reach and insure residents in Hoosier healthwise, hip 2.0, and marketplace plans. In 2022 564 individuals applied for insurance programs through the Services of uhs navigators and 3,300 individuals were assisted with their Health coverage questions and in finding a medical home.
Covering kids and families is a coalition of local partners with one goal: total Health coverage. United Health Services is the coalition partner for north central Indiana, responsible for St. Joseph, elkhart, and marshall counties, to reach and insure residents in Hoosier healthwise, hip 2.0, and marketplace plans. In 2022 564 individuals applied for insurance programs through the Services of uhs navigators and 3,300 individuals were assisted with their Health coverage questions and in finding a medical home. The diabetes resource center at United Health Services offers a full range of Services for diabetes self-management, including Health risk assessments, diabetes education, nutrition and lifestyle programs, medication assistance, medicare evaluations, and referrals to community resources. In 2022, 90 medically underserved individuals received help with medication costs. Over 44,000 in medication assistance was given out to the local community. The suicide prevention center's primary purpose is to raise awareness of suicide risks and to educate school counselors, physicians, social service and government agencies, etc. About suicide prevention. There are trained facilitators who present yellow ribbon, a nationally recognized curriculum to thousands of local high school and middle school students. Over 3,000 students were educated on suicide prevention, and 150 law enforcement officers were trained in suicide prevention, in 2022. 12 support group sessions for those surviving a suicide loss were facilitated in 2022.