Program areas at United Postal Stationery Society
Society journal, literature and website, inform members and the general public of current and historical events regarding postal stationery. Provide detailed information on worldwide stamped envelopes and postal cards, via monthly journal, published catalogs and website. nn anne
The Society presents awards to members for excellence in publishing postal stationery literature and makes donations to philatelic Itbraries and othe organizations. oo eee eneeeee eee ee eee e ee ee nee enn ec ce eee eee nen sentence ence cece ane e neat
Society Board members meet at semiannua! stamp conventions. Provide open meetings to members and the general public at which there are presentations on postal stationery. Members provide postal stationery exhibits and the Society provides a booth where members can meet and purchase Society publications
Society journal and website: inform members and the general public of current and historical events regarding Postal Stationery. Provide detailed information on worldwide stamped envelopes and Postal cards via monthly journal, published catalogs and website.
Society publications: publish catalog (hard bound and e-books. Provide members and general public with detailed descriptions and value of Postal Stationery issued by the United states and foreign countries.
Awards & donations: the Society presents awards to members for excellence in publishing Postal Stationery literature
Membership dues: a primary revenue source to support the societys non-profit purpose
Gross profit of inventory: sale of Society produced publications and Postal stationey to members and the general public.