Program areas at United Way of 1000 Lakes
United Way of 1000 Lakes strives to create an equitable itasca area where everyone has the opportunities and resources to thrive. We work closely with communities to identify patterns, uncover the greatest need and change systems so more people have economic stability. We unite individuals, companies and organizations to invest their time, financial resources and talents as part of our movement to bring economic well-being to all families throughout the region. In 2022, United Way focused on creating impact through key strategies:*coordinating efforts through a new safety net and upward mobility framework that centers a two-generation approach*fostering partnerships across sectors to bring innovation, quality, and measuring and reporting progress*convening collective action around goals and community issue areas by leading and supporting coalitions*building capacity of organizations and funding partners*strengthening volunteerism across our community*advancing outreach, education, advocacy, and public policy around goals*prioritizing diversity, equity, access, and inclusion among the accomplishments produced by this strategy in 2022 include:*invested in twelve organizations across four impact area pillars: kids, resilient familiesfamily financial; stability; minds & bodies; and safety net**engaged the community in United Way inititaves, which collect essential supplies and distributed them to local residents. *develop a set of shared outcome metrics among grantees*established two-generation (2gen) coalition of child and family advocates committed to amplifying family well-being by intentionally and simultaneously working with children and the adults in their lives. *grow volunteerism through support of bonfire, online portal, and facilitaing volunteer coordinators network. A designated net assets resolution was approved by the board of directors to support the implementation of the new impact strategy.
5-2-1-0 playstations - the 5-2-1-0 playstation initiative is a trunk containing sports gear that supports families raising healthy children through more physical activity. Playstations are located in six local parks and neighborhoods to encourage play among children of all ages, regardless of their family's financial ability to purchase equipment. Bonfire - the bonfire is an online tool connects volunteers in greater itasca county to meaningful projects posted by local nonprofits. The program supports United Way's capacity-building and strengthening volunteerism strategies. Since its launching in july 2020, more than 100 volunteer connections have been made, contributing over 300 hours of service during the of action - the day of action mobilizes the regional volunteer force each june. The program activates volunteers to enrich their community through giving, advocating and volunteering. Since 2013, 1,045 volunteers have contributed 6,124 hours to local projects, equaling an impact value of $150,806.flavors of our community the flavors of our community is a safety net initiative. The program aims to increase access to culturally specific food items. Collected items are assembled into pantry packs and distributed to families through area schools and local community organizationshome for good - the home for good is a safety net initiative supporting upward mobility of families. The program helps families with everyday personal and home essentials. Collected items are assembled into essential packs and distributed through nonprofits, schools, and United Way's backpack program. Kindness grants - the kindess grants program supports kindness, empathy, and meaningful connections thorugh small-scale, community-level volunteer service. Funding priority is given to projects that impact under-served communities, increase equity, inclusion, and understanding, and closely align with United Way's pillar areas.resource library - the resource library provides nonprofit and community development organizations, civic groups, and collaborative and grassroots initiatives with a wide range of tools and resources to support them in achieving their missions. Items available for use, free of charge, include technology, electronics, convening tools, and a hybrid meeting space.stuff the bus - the stuff the bus is a ready kids, resilient families' initiative. The program addresses equity in our schools and community by providing more students with the tools they need to succeed. Backpacks filled with classroom-specific supplies help support parents and remove barriers so more students have what they need to succeed in school.united Way 2-1-1 - United Way is a partner of 2-1-1 Minnesota, a statewide service that provides free and confidential health and human services information. The comprehensive 2-1-1 database is available 24/7 and offers individuals and professionals access to more than 40,000 resources through online search and chat or by dialing 2-1-1.