Program areas at United Way of Delaware County
Allocations and distributions to United Way Delaware County (uwdc) partner agencies and other nonprofit organizations that provide services and programs to the individuals that are in need of help by improving education, financial stability and health in the community. One of our initiatives is the strengthening families resource center. In 2017, uwdc, in partnership with Delaware city schools, opened the strengthening families hub at a community school facility. This hub is a one-stop social service center for families in crisis but also serves as an enrichment center for teens that need a safe place to build positive relationships, get food, complete homework and grow interests in art, books, science and running among many other opportunities. Under one roof, we have a food pantry, diaper bank, mental health center, teen room, stem education center, free store, rent and utility assistance, free school supplies and visiting partners such as jfs, medical clinics and more. Other priority initiatives include Delaware County hunger alliance, Delaware County coalition against human trafficking, women's leadership network, pathways to hope, and supplies for scholars.
United Way of Delaware County's young adult transitional living program provides housing and support services for young adults experiencing housing insecurity. Qualifying individuals 18-24 years old may occupy one of the five private bedrooms in the space, nicknamed treehouse, through partner agency referrals. Treehouse respects the rights and dignity of the participants it serves. Participants are supported and cared for while being given the autonomy to make their own decisions. The program is resident-driven and staff guided.
Federal emergency rental assistance program (erap) administration. We have been administering the federal money allocated to Delaware County. During fye 6.30.23, we provided rent and utility assistance to 365 households. Temporary navigators provide case management and utilize the available funding to keep families and individuals adversely affected by covid in their homes with their utilities turned on. The total amount designated for Delaware County was $5.9 million for era 1 and $4.7 million for era 2, with an allowable 10% to be utilized to cover the administrative costs.