Program areas at United Way of Greater Nashua
In 2023 United Way of Greater Nashua continued to expand it's role in the community as a fiscal agent sponsor. Through this work, we are sponsoring organizations such as upbeat nh, the Nashua prevention coalition, the one Greater Nashua coalition, grow Nashua, michael j. o'mara fund, and meals matter. As their fiscal sponsor, United Way unburdens these groups of the responsibility to form their own 501c3 organizations, file their own 990's, manage payroll, and attain insurance. This gives the groups a greatly enhanced ability to do more work in the community without the need for overhead and administrative expenses. The uwgn sees this type of fiscal agency work as a key initiative to get more mission-centric work done in the community on a cost effective basis by leveraging the skills and capacity of United Way.
United Way of Greater Nashua utilizes a unique community assessment and investment cycle in order to maximize the impact of investments in the community. This process includes conducting a thorough assessment of the community's greatest needs in the areas of health, education, and economic mobility / financial stability. Through this process, critical needs are brought to light and then presented to the non-profit partner community for programmatic grant proposals. Thus, the investments made by uwgn in the community are guaranteed to responsibly steward donor dollars toward the greatest needs and impact areas. Beginning march 2020 through the end of this current fiscal year, uwgn provided substantial community support relative to the coronavirus pandemic. This included making emergency community grants, acquiring and distributing critical ppe, supporting community food supports, and helping students get access to internet and technology for remote learning.
The Nashua prevention coalition is supported by a grant from samhsa called drug free communities. The purpose of this coalition is to prevent substance abuse with a focus on education and prevention, primarily at the youth level. United Way matches this grant funding through in-kind contributions, including space, apportioned wages, and volunteer hours. With the growing crisis in substance misuse disorders, we feel strongly about this investment in our community, even though the true value isn't reflected in our financial statements.
United Way of Greater Nashua is the community convener of the one Greater Nashua coalition. The objective of this coalition is to focus on health outcomes, 40% of which are determined by social factors. In our community, there is growing diversity, and social inclusion is a major issue with diverse communities, especially immigrants and refugees. Each year, the coalition engages numerous volunteers in this community wide effort. The results of these efforts are improved healthy outcomes, workplace productivity, entrepreneurship, and social engagement. While it is difficult to see this value reflected directly in our financial statements, the value is nevertheless tangible and worthy of mention.