Program areas at United Way of Lincoln and Lancaster County
Community impact focus area: education (see detailed list of programs in this focus area on schedule o).during the 2022-2023 fiscal year, funded programs reported the following:1) 9,152 students were served by our partner agencies2) 1,490 students achieved academic progress3) 7,029 students developed at least one positive adult relationship
Community impact focus area: financial stability (see detailed list of programs in this focus area on schedule o).during the 2022-2023 fiscal year, funded programs reported the following:1) 11,070,341 pounds of food were distributed, 2) 438,512 individuals were served. 3) $21,365,758.00 is the total dollar value of goods and resources provided
Community impact focus area: health (see detailed list of programs in this focus area on schedule o).during the 2022-2023 fiscal year, funded programs reported the following:1) 36,029 nights of emergency shelter were provided2) 4,764 participants reported that they know more ways to plan for their safety3) 1,730 youth and/or caregivers demonstrated improved coping skills
Community response/lancaster connected collaborative: this collaborative and supported initiative is a coordinated community wide effort to prevent child abuse and neglect in Lincoln and Lancaster County and reduce entry into higher levels of care within the child welfare and juvenile justice system. United Way serves as the fiscal backbone of this effort by coordinating with partners across the community to improve access and create pathways to supportive services. Additionally, United Way contracts with one of our partner agencies to directly deliver services to children, youth and families. United Way provides a community collaborative coordinator to coordinate efforts, ensure reporting accuracy, and provide oversight for the evaluation and reporting process and serves in an administrative capacity for this project through contract development/management and financial accounting. This program was supported through grant dollars awarded to United Way from Nebraska children and families foundation (ncff) in the amount of $546,808 during the 2022-2023 fiscal period.
Engage. Empower.graduate (eeg): engage. Empower.graduate (eeg): the women United and emerging leaders United affinity groups combine to support breakthrough opportunities in the mcphee, campbell, and clinton elementary school communities. The resulting initiative supports multiple programs that empower families and students to strive for academic achievement and on-time graduation thus setting them up for long-term success. $262,012 was raised and allocated to the following eeg supported programs: jump start to kindergarten, family literacy, behavioral health services, summer enrichment, family engagement and community learning centers.
Women in philanthropy (wip) initiative: United Way's annual wip helping hands auction raised funds to provide diapers and clothing to low income families. The wip initiative awarded $53,000 to 14 United Way partner agencies to purchase diapers and clothing for the low-income children and families they serve.
Lincoln community learning centers (clc): $35,000 has been allocated to Lincoln community learning centers. The clc initiative is focused on achieving three major outcomes: improved student learning and development; strong and supportive families; and engaged neighborhoods.
Virtual book drive: an online campaign sponsored by the United Way women in philanthropy and emerging leaders United groups raised $14,988 for the purchase of books and school supplies for children in Lancaster County. A total of 4,798 books were distributed during the 2022-2023 fiscal year.
Lincoln resettlement fund: funding in the amount of $312,235 was allocated to the Lincoln resettlement fund. The funds were pooled with donations from other funders in the community to create grant opportunities for agencies working to assist refugees from ukraine and afghanistan. Targeted needs included transportation, childcare, and case management support.
Ride United last mile delivery: in partnership with United Way worldwide and doordash, this program fulfills critical food insecurity needs in 38 markets across 17 states including Lincoln, Nebraska. The program provides a safe and socially distanced Way to deliver food to households in need, and helps relieve stress of long waiting lines at local food pantries in the community. In 2022, an average of 2700 bags of food were delivered quarterly to individuals and families in need. This included, veterans living at victory park, homebound individuals, new immigrants, and young mothers unable to find transportation to public food distribution sites. Program funding was $26,517.
Emerging leaders United initiative: United Way's emerging leaders United affinity group held their annual wingfest event raised and distributed $19,479 to support creative learning spaces in Lincoln and Lancaster County public elementary schools and nonprofits. Creative learning spaces provide a calming and safe environment for kindergarten through fifth grade children within the school setting enabling them to practice social-emotional and coping skills and strategies such as listening, following directions, and self-regulation. The goal is to decrease the number of negative behavior incidents requiring a student to be removed from the classroom thus increasing student instructional time spent in the classroom. Three title one elementary schools and two nonprofits received support for creative learning spaces: campbell elementary, hartley elementary, pershing elementary, clyde malone community center and willard community center.
Lincoln partnership for economic development: United Way provides support for the Lincoln partnership for economic development's workforce development activity to create pathways for Lincoln residents to obtain living-wage employment in our community. $15,000 has been allocated for this project.
Summer food program: $10,000 was allocated for this program offered by the food bank of Lincoln. For the 2023 summer food service program season 92,887 meals were served. This included all first and second meals, all field trip meals, as well as program adult (staff) meals.
Stable strong successful: this initiative provides targeted programs at a neighborhood level, ensuring that families have access to much needed resources and support to help stabilize their home life. Programs work to prevent chronic absenteeism in the schools and seek to change the future for students in Lincoln and Lancaster County. $9,831 has been allocated for this initiative.
Project connect Lincoln: $8,172 was allocated to project connect Lincoln which is an annual one-day event organized to provide direct services for homeless individuals and families as well as assist in navigating the local health and human service system to assist with both short term and long term needs.
Data-tracking project: this project received an $8,000 allocation in a jointly funded effort with the joint budget committee to help track food pantry and food distribution efforts in the community. The goal is to determine an unduplicated count of clients served to better increase their food stability.
Lincoln vital signs: United Way allocated $5,000 to this community wide initiative whose purpose is to update the vital signs bi-annual report and facilitate efforts to identify key community measurements, collect specific information, and analyze trends for use in identifying funding priorities and tracking outcomes.
Court totes: in partnership with casa for Lancaster County, this project mobilized 35 United Way volunteers who worked to fill and distribute over 100 backpacks containing comforting and stimulating activities for casa kids when they first meet with their casa volunteer. Each backpack held educational items appropriate for each age group served by casa with ages ranging from birth through age 19. $2,470 was allocated for this project
Combined health agencies drive (chad): United Way partners with chad to raise funds for the annual campaign in Lincoln. Chad programs and organizations provide medical research, patient and family services, and community education and advocacy to assist individuals and families facing chronic illness. The allocation for chad from the 2022 campaign was $509,129.
Program general operating costs: expenses of $568,153 were incurred by the organization to assess community needs; provide outcome measurement training to various entities in the community; provide program assessment, review, and selection; administer grants; provide financial and stewardship oversight of grant recipients; and participate in community partnerships to advance common goals in the three focus areas of education, income, and health
Designations: United Way processed $1,912,469 in donor-designated funds. Donor-designated funds are contributions specifically directed by the donor to other nonprofit organizations. United Way of Lincoln and Lancaster County acts in a fiscal agent capacity to collect, process, and disburse the funds. Organizations must have tax-exempt status and be compliant with the patriot act.