Program areas at United Way of Mahaska County
Community Investment (Allocations): Occurs each February. After our annual campaign, a group of community volunteers come together to allocate campaign dollars to social service agencies that serve Mahaska County. Local agencies submit grant applications and make presentations outlining the programs they would like funded. In 2023, United Way of Mahaska County funded 12 local agencies. These agencies focus their efforts on addressing education, income, health, and basic needs throughout Mahaska County.
Days Of Service: United Way of Mahaska County empowers volunteers in our community to come together to assist in completing a variety of projects each year, including those that serve seniors and individuals with disabilities, city and council projects, local non-profit agencies, and schools. In 2023, we completed 39 projects with approximately 137 volunteers.
Take-Along Food Program: United Way of Mahaska County's Take-Along Weekend Food Program provides bags of meals, snacks, and drinks to students who struggle with food insecurity over the weekend. Each Friday during the school year, the program served approximately 168 students at Oskaloosa Elementary School, Oskaloosa Middle School, Eddyville Elementary School, and Fremont Elementary School.
Back to School Fair: Each summer United Way of Mahaska County sponsors a school supply drive, collecting school supplies and accepting donations for the purchase of backpacks and supplies. Any child or youth (preschool through 12th grade) residing in Mahaska County is eligible to receive a filled backpack through this program. In 2023, a drive-thru Back to School Fair was organized to distribute the backpacks, as well as offer shoes and socks. Agencies that offer programming for youth were able to submit information about their activities for inclusion in the backpacks. Approximately 600 backpacks were distributed to families in need. Some of the leftover school supplies were given to local schools to stock school supply closets, which teachers can utilize throughout the year. We partnered with Mahaska YMCA, Soles 4 Souls, and the school districts in Mahaska County.
Volunteer Mahaska: United Way of Mahaska County operates a Volunteer Center in Mahaska County. Local agencies are able to post volunteer needs on the Volunteer Mahaska website. Community members can access the website to find volunteer opportunities that match their interests and availability. The Volunteer Center coordinated many volunteers for the Oskaloosa Summer Lunch Program in 2023.
Special Grants: United Way of Mahaska County provided a special grant to two local organizations in Mahaska County. Funding went to a program that helped local high school students fund a project that provided clothing and Christmas presents to local children in need, and the local community park rebuild.
Designated gifts: United Way of Mahaska County accepts designated donations from donors during the annual fundraising campaign. Donations are forwarded to designated human service 501 (c)3 agencies.
VITA Tax Site: United Way of Mahaska County recruits volunteers, coordinates and hosts a VITA Tax Preparation Assistance Site. IRS Certified Volunteer Tax Preparers provide free tax preparation for seniors and low-income families and individuals.
College Scholarships: In 2023, United Way of Mahaska County awarded one scholarship to a graduating high school senior from Mahaska County. The scholarship application focused on student involvement and volunteerism in their community.
Oskaloosa Summer Lunch Program: United Way of Mahaska County promotes the Oskaloosa Community School's Summer Lunch Program within the community and recruits and coordinates volunteers for both meal preparation and distribution.
Community Impact: United Way of Mahaska County is expanding its reach into the community by helping inform the public about local services, including Oskaloosa Rides, by providing copies and posting program fliers.
Winter Coat Drive: United Way of Mahaska County coordinated a local Coat Drive. Volunteers provided manpower for distribution of collection boxes and regularly collected coats and other winter outerwear items. Of these items, many were given to local schools. A distribution event was held at Penn Central Mall to distribute the remaining items to the public at no charge.
Compensation, Wages and Allocable Expenses (in aggregate) included in Program Service Expenses on Part IX - Statement of Functional Expenses but not specifically separated in reporting to individual Program Service Accomplishments.