Program areas at United Way of Northwest Georgia
To be the preferred organization investing in education, basic needs, and health in our community. Education: getting kids ready for kindergarten, reading at grade level by 3rd grade, and graduating on time with skills to be career and life ready. Basic needs: reduce the long term need for food, housing, and utility assistance through life skills education and financial counseling. Health: support prevention services so youth and adults are healthy and avoid risky behaviors.
The volunteer center mobilizes volunteers, provides leadership development, and recognizes volunteers. The volunteer center programs that mobilize volunteers are the volunteer center cabinet, corporate and custom group projects, a searchable website for volunteer opportunities in the community, little free libraries, and service events such as make a difference day. The leadership development programs are leaders United, youth United, volunteer project leaders training, and volunteer vacation, and career exploration. Volunteers are recognized each year through presidential service awards, the connie woodward award, the elaine butler award, and the elbert shaw memorial scholarship. Last year, projects were completed by 2,101 volunteers giving 14,258 hours of service through the United Way volunteer center.
United Way works year-round to raise awareness of programs that are available to help families and individuals in our community. We are committed to connecting people who need help with those that can help them. By offering impact tours to our local businesses, associates are able to tour several United Way community partner agencies so they can see first- hand the impact that each partner is making. We advocate within local businesses and community groups by demonstrating United Way's commitment to improving lives. We offer free resource guides to the community so they can get connected to services in our area. We also have a 2-1-1 information and referral services where community members can call in and be connected to available resources. To raise awareness of United Way's impact and life- changing work, we share our story on our website and all major platforms of social media. We also work with the newspaper and local television station to promote how United Way is fighting for the education, basic needs, and health of every person in our community.
Information services and community solutions