Program areas at UWPC
Community Impact Grants and related. These are distributions to various nonprofit agencies providing programs that help reduce poverty in Pierce County Washington. Grants are reviewed by community volunteers before being submitted to the United Way Board for approval. Related donations received are restricted to the work that we do and we may distribute those dollars to nonprofits who are helping further our mission. More than 130,177 individuals accessed services moving them closer to self-sufficiency.
Community Impact: In 2017 we made a bold goal to lift 15,000 household out of poverty by 2028. This takes a community wide effort of forming collaborations, agreeing on key measurements and tracking indicators with nonprofits, government, educators and businesses. One of our key collaborations is our seven Centers for Strong Families which provide coaching in the areas of jobs, finance and income supports. Total number of clients served since 2016 is 4,538. 22 coaches provided tools and resources to connect families to living-wage careers, solid financial plans, and strategies. Some of the highlights: $6,729 average increase in savings, 105 individuals placed in jobs, $1,936 average monthly increase in enw income.
211 is a free and confidential service that connects people with critical resources helping to stabilize individuals in Pierce, Thurston and Lewis counties. 74,198 contacts were made in 2023, 76,529 contacts were made in 2022, 80,087 contacts in 2021. An integral part of the program are on the ground navigators who are experts in the areas of transportation, behavioral health, basic food, housing and early learning. Ride United, a collaboration with Lyft, provided 2,097 rides to low income and disabled individuals. Other highlights include 24 people connected to permanent housing; 7,617 connected to rental assistance and 6,411 connected to shelter. 2 1 1 continues to be one of the most visited pages on the United Way of Pierce County website.
Donor Voice Program provides donors the opportunity to designate their gift to other charities. All charities are verified as to their nonprofit status and compliance with the Patriot Act.
Betye Martin Baker Human Service Center: Since 1995 our mission has been to offer other nonprofits significantly below market rent so they can put more money back into their missions.
Gifts in Kind: This program receives donations from companies and individuals and then gives those products out to other nonprofits to give to their low-income clients. United Way does not charge for this program. Examples of products received and distributed include diapers, gloves, paper products, small household appliances new and lightly used clothing and bedding. From time-to-time local entertainment venues donate tickets. Of the total program costs of $209,479, $158,939 were goods distributed to the community with the remaining $50,540 spent to run the program.
Volunteer Engagement: United Way connects volunteers with other nonprofits. It also utilized volunteers in our own activities such as our MLK Day of Service, United Way Day of Action and our Summer reading and food program. We engaged 388 volunteers in 1,611 hours of service, including corporate teams that participated in MLK Month of Service Hygiene Kit projects and Day of Action Snack Pack projects.
United Way Worldwide Dues Program Support: Provides for educational opportunities, strategic direction, advocacy support and the concept of local community impact to assist our various program activities.