Program areas at United Way of Saginaw County
Uwsc works with volunteers, nonprofits, government, businesses and faith- based organizations to assess community needs and address complex issues in our community. Through the community impact model, uwsc focuses on the area of financial stability. Based on recommendations from our community change team members, uwsc provides financial support to 14 affiliated programs at 10 local organizations. Additionally, uwsc facilitates several community impact programs that aim to reach goals in the same focus area. As a result of this strategy, uwsc plays a greater leadership role, facilitates programs, shares more resources and is more focused and inclusive.
Project home provides assistance with homelessness prevention and rapid re-housing. Homeless prevention assistance includes funding for rental arrearages and utility shut-offs or deliverable fuel fill-ups to allow families to remain stably housed. The homeless management information system is used to prevent and end homelessness in Saginaw County. It assists in identifying gaps in services and evaluating the performance of member agencies in providing emergency transitional and permanent housing to meet the needs of the community.
The vita program assists Saginaw County residents who cannot afford to pay to have their taxes prepared. Labor volunteers and community members come together to design, construct and install mobility ramps for low-income, disabled residents in Saginaw County through project independence. Literally freeing residents from their homes, this program gives residents more than just a free ramp. In many cases it also gives them back their independence. Helping students read at grade level or higher, the lexia literacy program is facilitated through United Way and hosted at several locations throughout the community. Children, ages birth to 5, receive age-appropriate books free through the imagination library program. The program promotes access to key literacy skills and supports a readiness for learning.