Program areas at United Way of South Central Michigan
Program investments: United Way scmi (uwscmi) and its dedicated staff advance the common good by optimizing opportunities for systems change and improvement that address disparities. Areas of focus for investment include, but aren't limited to, financial stability, education, health, and basic needs. Community investments in last fiscal year: battle creek/kalamazoo -- $3,881,878 invested in 93 programs through 64 agency partners. Capital area -- $354,000 invested in 15 programs through 12 agency partners and 4 collaboratives. Jackson county -- $308,448 invested in 24 programs at 21 agencies
Donor designations: uwscmi allows donors to designate gifts to other United ways or other qualifying agencies, further expanding community impact.
Community impact & initiatives: uwscmi drives systems change and improvement through diverse community partnerships, assessment, advocacy, volunteerism, and collaboration to understand and address community needs collectively and strategically via program partnerships, uwscmi-driven initiatives and measurable outcomes.examples of impact & initiatives in last fiscal year:program assistance center -- a Michigan energy assistance program providing households with direct energy assistance to pay heat and electric bills. Participants complete a needs assessment so they are connected with non-energy assistance services they need. 5,732 households received energy security/self-sufficiency programming or referrals. 4,970 households were served using state funding and funding from consumers energy.volunteer income tax assistance (vita) -- an irs program administered by partner organizations providing free, high-quality tax preparation services for low- to moderate-income households making $67,000 or less. Uwscmi's vita program expanded to serve kalamazoo and partnered with agencies leading vita programs in calhoun and jackson counties. Households served: 5,207. $7,244,475 in federal and state tax refunds brought back into the community.kalamazoo county continuum of care -- increased coordination and find solutions to the gaps, inequities, and challenges to reducing homelessness. In 2023, the coc administered $1,718,144 in federal funding and $485,820 in state funding to prevent and address homelessness; provided $53,500 dollars in mini-grants to local non-profits serving the unhoused; and redesigned the rentable program to better support alice households in securing or retaining their housing.jobstar -- a resource for employers to help their employees overcome obstacles that may impede their ability to work. 2023 highlight: uwscmi onboarded a new company into jobstar, the result of a focus on recruitment. Referrals provided: 803 referrals across more than 12 area college access network (capcan) -- a community collaborative focused on increasing post-secondary attainment as an achievable reality for all residents by fostering high educational aspirations through the alignment of our institutions and resources. 2023 highlight: capcan staff launched the college ambassador program in which they trained 13 rising seniors in the summer of 2022 to engage with their peers at school regarding the college process and help build a college going culture. Students served: 2,700.
Uwscmi also creates 'value-add' within the regional community through its unique position to convene, connect and engage community organizations, institutions and people to create collaborative opportunities to address needs, leverage funding from sources other than annual campaign, and lead collective/shared efforts around education, advocacy and impact.examples in the past fiscal year include:merger in 2022 -- United ways in battle creek/kalamazoo, capital area (lansing and surrounding counties) and jackson county merged to create United Way of South Central Michigan. The merger taps new sources of funding, creates new partnerships, advocates for racial and economic equity more effectively, and takes a bigger role in leading the impact that the individual United ways could not do by themselves. Key accomplishments during 2022 included nearly $26 million in local and regional impact, leading two 21-day equity challenges, building new and diverse partnerships, and earning awards for impact and communication.disaster relief fund -- a regional, evergreen response fund to serve as a vehicle for private and public investment for basic needs in the event of a crisis. This fund was created to address the covid-19 pandemic and remains in place for future crisis situations.small business supports -- a partnership with the city of kalamazoo to provide grants to microbusinesses within the city. Primary focus is on women-owned and/or microbusinesses under black, indigenous or people of color ownership, and emphasis on underrepresented neighborhoods.