Program areas at United Way of Southwest Minnesota
Community impact: United Way of Southwest Minnesota is a Minnesota nonprofit organization. It is a local autonomous 501(c)(3) organization working to create lasting changes in people's lives and the communities in lincoln, lyon, murray, yellow medicine and portions of cottonwood, lac qui parle, nobles and redwood counties of Minnesota. We accomplish this by partnering with non-profit agencies, schools or local units of government that serve people in this area of the state of Minnesota and by targeting grants for specific programs that produce outcomes within the areas of health, education, financial stability, hunger, and safety & well-being. Annually, the United Way of Southwest Minnesota board of directors determines the overall funding level for community impact grants based upon resources gathered during the preceding fund-raising campaign. Qualifying organizations that serve local people are invited to prepare grant proposals that address strategies within the above listed priority areas. Grant applications undergo review through an organized citizen review process (outlined in part iv, schedule i, part 1, line 2). Recommendations are then presented to the United Way of Southwest Minnesota's board of directors for final review and approval. Approved grants become available july 1 of each year. All community impact grants are paid out in quarterly installments.
Small grants program: is to provide aupport for community projects, programs, or initiatives in need of a small, one-time grant for work that aligns with uwswmn goals for the common good. Uwswmn small grants can be used for projects such as: program work including planning, training and/or development; organizational capacity building including strategic planning, governance and other types of organizational planning and/or development activities; community and/or human service work that includes volunteer participation or emerging or unmet needs; and/or to support innovative solutions to local issues.
Internal programs: United Way of Southwest Minnesota focuses on health, education, financial stability, hunger, and safety & well-being. The United Way success by 6 initiative strives to make sure that all children are ready to succeed when they enter kindergarten. Children who start behind, stay behind. Key strategies include sponsorship of the dolly parton imagination library program which puts quality, age appropriate books into the hands of children (birth - age 5) each month at no cost to their families; preparation and distribution of school readiness kits for all children prior to entering kindergarten; and planning and implementation of literacy building and enhancement programs. Other initiative examples: annual back-to-school supply drives where United Way of Southwest Minnesota provides staff support, volunteers, publicity, and serves as fiscal agent; and United Way staff organize and recruit volunteers for targeted community projects, i.e. Days of action, food collection, and volunteer reading efforts. Initiatives are developed or supported when United Way of Southwest Minnesota identifies a gap or need that is significant enough to take action.