Program areas at United Way of the Midlands
Jag Nebraska - since 2019, jag Nebraska has served 2,200 students through 24 programs at 22 schools in 12 school districts - and the numbers only continue to grow as data supporting the success of the program increases. Jag programming is conducted on-site at schools during school hours. Trained career specialists work with jag students to help them master 37 skills that will set them up for success in their future careers. Throughout the duration of the program, students build relationships with local employers; engage in project-based learning; develop leadership, civic and social responsibility through a student-led career association; and engage in career research that will lay the foundation for job opportunities after high school graduation. the jag model incorporates the jag advantage which, includes three key components proven to ensure students' development and success: employer engagement, trauma informed care and project based learning. Employer engagement - employers interact with jag students in the classroom and on the job. As part of the jag programming, company representatives are invited into the classroom, where they build relationships with the students and teach them valuable skills that companies are seeking in new hires. Students will then be able to visit the representative's company, and potentially, visualize themselves working there. Trauma informed care - career specialists are trained to provide trauma-informed care and create an environment where all students to be successful. To be trauma-informed is to understand the challenges our students face and provide supports and additional resources so that they can overcome those barriers. It's the difference between asking "what happened?" Instead of "what's wrong with you?" Project based learning - this framework and instructional learning strategy provides students with a voice and the choice to drive what they do through hands-on projects. These projects help them develop real world competencies that employers are seeking. the projects also give the students the opportunity to use their skills and talents to showcase what they know through public products that are relevant to their interests and aptitudes.
Community engagement and vision - this function is dedicated to implementation and action on community impact investments and initiatives. Activities include prioritization and research for initiative development, impact and change development and assessment,mobilizing partners to provide services, participating in and supporting selected outside community activities, service implementation through: fund distribution, technology, public education, economic development strategies and agency designation management, communication of outcome and evaluation and staff support development.
Starting in 2022, United Way of the Midlands (uwm) in partnership with the city of omaha, administered $5 million over two years through the american rescue plan act (arpa). These fiscal recovery funds were distributed to area nonprofit programs providing essential needs services including access to food and shelter, homeless prevention, access to physical and mental health care, health promotion and education, financial literacy and family support. Programs report quarterly to ensure fiscal stewardship and accountability.
Ne211 contact center has been the helpline for all nebraskans and iowans for over 40 years, and during such disasters in the past two years as flooding, straight-line winds, and the covid-19 pandemic. Nearly 300,000 contacts in the past year were for housing and utility assistance, health, food, and employment assistance, as well as other needs.