Program areas at United Way of the Midlands
Effective july 2020, the uwm agreed to provide services to the ne department of labor regarding implementation and operation of the jag model in Nebraska. This program established jag accredited programs at Nebraska schools with the purpose of helping junior high and high school students overcome obstacles and build skills so they are set up for success in the classroom and workplace. This program is funded in large part by an agreement with the ndol consisting of funds provided though the us department of labor and the us department of health and human services.
Community engagement and vision - this function is dedicated to implmentation and action on community impact investments and initiatives. Activities include prioritization and research for initiative development, impact and change development and assessment, mobilizing partners to provide services, particpating in and supporting selected outside community activities, service implemenation through: fund distribution, technology, public education, economic development strategies and agency designation management, communication of outcome and evaluation and staff support.
When a caller dials 2-1-1, they find easy access to health and human service programs in Nebraska and Iowa. Certified resource specialists maintain a computerized comprehensive database of nearly 4,000 health and human service programs. Individuals who need help are connected with the right community resources who use the vast database. the information gathered helps to identify gaps in local human services, which can assist local policy makers with future planning efforts. Effective october 2019, the ne211 helpline was manned 24x7x365.
Starting in 2022, United Way of the Midlands (uwm) in partnership with the city of omaha, administered $5 million over two years through the american rescue plan act (arpa). These fiscal recovery funds were distributed to area nonprofit programs providing essential needs services including access to food and shelter, homeless prevention, access to physical and mental health care, health promotion and education, financial literacy and family support. Programs report quarterly to ensure fiscal stewardship and accountability. This program ended on june 30, 2024.