Program areas at University of the Andes Foundation
Center for entrepreneurship (cbu project) - the cbu project is aimed at improving the educational and entrepreneurial learning and hands-on experience of undergraduate students at the universidad de los Andes. By providing student with seed funding to develop and start their entrepreneurial ventures under the supervision of our faculty, we strive to develop the decision-making capacity, critical thinking, and understanding of our student's role as empowered and proactive citizens who they can make the changes they aspire to see in their lives and in the circumstances of their communities.
Vamos pa'lante 2023 - the vamos pa'lante 2023 initiative was established to help award one-semester scholarships to undergraduate students with excellent academic performance who are at high risk of dropping out of the University due to severe financial hardship.
General program - to provide financial assistance to support students from anywhere in the country who obtain excellent results in the colombian national examination icfes and who, despite not having the economic resources wish to study at the universidad de los Andes.
Other programs - argidius, atarraya stem, atarraya stem 4th year, ayem 2023, biocomx - bitt, biocomx - c3i challenge, biocomx - qe scholarships, decidi ensenar, dinosaurios de la tierra, employment grant, evaluation of primat program, forward together, lumen nexsys biomedical eng masters fund, primac mooc 2023 phase 5, qe, qe endowment fund, semillero sierra Nevada de santa marta - cai, stem education, surf cornell scholarships, talentos sierra Nevada, travesias grant, uniandinos abroad, vamos pa'lante, vamos pa'lante 2022.