Program areas at Upvalley Family Centers of Napa County
Education - Programs and services include: parent/child playgroups, early literacy and school readiness for entering kindergartners, ESL and adult literacy classes, students with youth mentoring at junior senior high schools, and coordination of mental health partners on school campuses. The Organization served 100 children ages 0-5 and their parents with developmentally appropriate early learning playgroups, reached 160 teens with individual and group mentoring on school campuses, assisted elementary students with school-based tutoring, 28 students with diversion and restorative services. The Organization served as the backbone agency for the Calistoga community schools initiative, coordinating $2.6 million in partner services for students and families.
Community Engagement - Programs and services include: immigrant integration services, coordination of health promotora volunteers, and community education and outreach. The Organization provided 280 immigration legal services including consultations and applications for citizenship or other immigration benefits, 13 trained Promotoras provided bilingual outreach about covid-19 prevention and disaster preparedness.
Family & Senior Wellness - Programs and services include: health insurance outreach, enrollment, referrals for counseling services, case management, domestic violence services, parenting services, senior social groups, and disaster relief and recovery. The Organization made 1,662 guided referrals to various resources, helped 438 households with emergency financial assistance, 170 adults with parenting education and support, 57 people apply for health insurance, 382 seniors with resources and workshops, and 82 families with student assistance program wrap-around services.