Program areas at Urban League of Broward County
Education: we value education as a key component for living a prosperous life. Our education and community justice programs provide young people with the critical skills they need to excel academically, avoid at-risk behavior and become engaged members in their communities. Tutoring, college preparation and leadership development are some of the many educational advancement tools offered, educational programming was of critical importance during and post the pandemic given the transition of schools, afterschool programming and limited pro social activities. We engage digitally and in person with youth individually and in groups where possible to reduce the risk of learning loss, risk behaviors, and keep them involved in positive activities, this program serves over 2,526 individuals.
Housing: we are dedicated to building thriving communitie through strong economic infrastructure. Our housing programs offer families long-term sustainable solutions that focus on building assets through savings and homeownership, our wealth accumulation services include financial literacy education, budgeting, credit counseling, homeownership, foreclosure prevention, loan modification, rental counseling and financial assi stance , this program serves over 1,275 individuals.
Jobs: designed to provide training and developmental skills necessary to enter, or re-enter the workforce and become economically self- sufficient, program benefits include educational services, employability skills, training, credentialing and job placement to become economically self sufficient during a time when employers closed and many were without stable income, programming also positioned individuals for job placement opportunities as businesses re-opened during the pandemic. Our center for working families offers a full range of essential economic resources for low to moderate income residents to help them succeed in the workforce, stabilize their finances and build assets, this program served over 1,261 individuals.
Total clients served through all of the organization's programs was 10,922.