Program areas at USGBC
Leed (leadership in energy and environmental design) is the most widely used Green Building rating system in the world. Available for virtually all Building types, leed provides a framework for healthy, highly efficient, and cost-saving Green buildings. Leed certification is a globally recongized symbol of sustainability achievement and leadership.
Education - to advance the Green workforce, Usgbc offers Green Building education courses and publications to help professionals along their Green Building career path.
Program service accomplishments: Usgbc membership/community (market transformation development) Usgbc is powered by its members. Our members have shaped our organization into what it is today and are driving the entire Green Building community to go further faster than ever before. We're made up of companies large and small, local and multinational. We're educators and innovators, scientists and activists, nonprofit employees and policymakers, advocates and more. We bring diverse backgrounds and experiences but share one steadfast vision: that the Green Building community can help change our world for the better. (see schedule o)(continued from part iii) volunteers are Usgbc's on-the-ground advocates, sharing ideas, networking and educating, and spreading information and education throughout their communities. The local communities also administer an active network of emerging professionals groups who are new to the Green Building industry and sustainability movement and who are provided with opportunities to hone their leadership and professional skills.
Greenbuild is the largest annual event for Green Building professionals. Founded in 2002, the greenbuild international conference & expo has become the go-to place for the Green Building industry to convene. It's the hub where leaders developing the next generation of sustainable standards gather digitally and in-person to create a better future for everyone on the planet.the mission of the center for Green schools at Usgbc is to support and train those implementing change toward sustainability within school systems, through professional development, peer networks, research, and advocacy. Since 2010, the center has been the driving force behind the Green school movement by leading a wide array of initiatives, including in communications, advocacy, network-building, training, and the development of tools and platforms through which to accelerate action. The center drives toward a future where all students can attend sustainable schools that enhance their health and wellness, prepare them for Green careers, and support a thriving planet.