Program areas at USMF
North capital forum the north capital forum is an annual 3-day event, hosted by the Us Mexico Foundation, that focuses on understanding north america's main challenges and creating mutually beneficial solutions. The event welcomes on average more than 700 participants and consists of around 23 panels and more than 100 speakers. Key generators of proposals presented their ideas and recommendations to strengthen its integration. The event seeks to advance the north american way. The north american way embodies a perspective that is both individual and collective, while also taking a comprehensive approach towards innovation, efficiency, economic advancement, and social accountability. This outlook is founded on collaboration and is deeply rooted in cultural and familial connections, regional principles, shared history, and customs.
Convocation: this is an educational program where experts and former ambassadors from the united states to Mexico and from Mexico to the united states convene yearly to discuss the future of the bilateral relationship. The main takeaways from the first discussion were published in an informative and educational document. Title convocation: a vision for a stronger u.s.-mexico partnership. The first convocation report has been visibly presented to educate bilateral stakeholders and interest groups in both countries.
The u.s.-mexico 360 public diplomacy initiative: from the u.s.-mexico Foundation, provides the opportunity for u.sUs.s. and mexican leaders from businesses, think tanks and other research institutions, schools and universities, and ngos to meet counterparts on a professional educational exchange in Mexico and the u.sUs.s. Participants represent a diverse set of institutions, and many aspects of u.s.-mexico policy, including politics and government, economics and trade, energy, education, media and communications, and research. The program gives a 360-degree view of u.s.Us.s.- Mexico relations, current affairs, and a glimpse into mexican and american culture.
Ally-shoring initiative: the "ally-shoring initiative" is a usmf-led task force of american and mexican stakeholders with investments on both sides of the border, eager to support and help further us-mexico economic collaboration. Among them are prologis, grupo prodensa, arca continental, 3m. The program seeks to offer a unique framework through which the Us and Mexico can build on more than thirty years of tightly woven co-production and trade, but with an eye towards the future. The two nations can expand their collaboration, enhancing bi-national efforts to create and manufacture transformational exports that support advanced manufacturing r&d, smart borders, and the joint development of Us and mexican workforce skills to meet the evolving markets of the 21st century. An ally-shoring framework further supports and enhances the goals of the usmca. The Us Mexico Foundation (usmf) focuses its effort on 3 primary approaches to increasing educational, cultural, and social integration between Mexico and the u.sUs.s. by public diplmoacy core programs like educational exchange Us Mexico 360. Also, it educates through its in-house research fellowship and research partners by providing educational and informational documents like think tank monitoring, ally shoring, mexico-bay area, and competitiveness studies for sme's ecosystems. The usmf also attempts to edcuate through media and events, including programs such as the podcast proyecto 1954, opeds in major publications, mexican newscast in the u.sUs.s. and through interactive webinars and events. Finally, education transformation fund: through this fund, the usmf provides grants to local ngos who do work in areas aligned with the usmf's mission. Usmf supports educational programs in the areas of stem, english language learning, and civic engagement.