Program areas at Ushja Foundation
Support of Ushja programs - the Foundation provides support for various united states hunter jumper association, inc.'s programs, including, but not limited to the horsemanship quiz challenge, the wheeler museum, horsemanship clinics, and other Ushja programs. The Foundation also acts as the charitable arm of the association, and raises funds to support Ushja programs. In fy 23, the Foundation raised funds for the following association programs, the world champion hunter rider program, sallie b wheeler hunter breeding championships, the emerging jumper rider program, young hunter pony championships, usef pony finals clinics, Ushja awards, and the usef youth sportsman award.
Horseman assistance grants -the horseman's assistance fund was established to provide emergency financial support to individuals who require assistance as a result of accident or illness.
Scholarships, grants, & contributions - the Ushja Foundation has multiple scholarships and grants available to Ushja members annually. The hamel scholarship for further education is designed to encourage further education among equestrians and will award up to 25k to up to three Ushja members annually for college, graduate, trade or professional school. The gochman family grant for the us pony finals offers up to three annual grants to young riders to afford them the opportunity to compete in the us pony finals. Zone scholarships - funds are raised by members of regional zones and awarded as educational scholarships to zone members. The jt tallon memorial equitation grant is awarded to junior Ushja members with limited financial resources who have qualified for a national equitation final are provided the support they need to attend. The chuck keller grant for equestrian excellence is awarded annually to one Ushja emerging athletes national training session participant for the purpose of furthering their equestrian training in pursuit of equestrian excellence. The naomi blumenthal memorial training grant provides financial support for equestrians wishing to continue their equestrian education. The sunny stevens stable manager award is awarded annually to one Ushja emerging athletes national training session stable manager participant for the purpose of further education.