Program areas at Utah Clean Energy Alliance
Utah Clean Energy works to address one of the greatest challenges of our time, climate change. Our multi-disciplinary team of experts are committed to implementing transformative climate change solutions, improving our quality of life, health, and economy. For over 20 years, Utah Clean Energy has spearheaded some of the most far-reaching and impactful Clean Energy and climate solutions in the west. We are recognized as one of Utah's leading public interest organizations, successfully expanding renewable Energy, Energy efficiency, electric transportation, and climate leadership in the conservative state of Utah. A few examples of our 2022 program accomplishments include: unleashing Utah's abundance of renewable Energy: since our inception, Utah Clean Energy has led Utah's transition to Clean, renewable Energy. Our ongoing expert intervention in complex utility decisions has resulted in thousands of megawatts of new solar and wind projects in Utah. In 2022, Utah's largest solar project came online complete with robust battery storage. A direct result of Utah Clean Energy's utility work, this one project generates enough Clean Energy to power the equivalent of over 100,000 homes. Bringing Energy saving tools to underserved communities: Utah Clean Energy's empowerslc initiative continues to bring energy-saving tools and resources to front-line climate communities that stand to benefit the most. Last year, we partnered with guadalupe school and free wesleyan church of tonga in Utah to reduce pollution and save money in salt lake city's west side, which experiences some of the worst air quality in Utah. We worked with each organization to implement Energy upgrades ranging from led lightbulb replacements, air sealing, and hvac replacement. Through these actions, guadalupe school and free wesleyan church of tonga in Utah are removing thousands of tons of carbon pollution and saving money on their Energy bills. These Energy savings can in turn be reinvested into the organization's core mission to serve and engage the community. Making new buildings Energy efficient: key to addressing climate change is making our homes and buildings ultra-energy efficient and pollution free. In 2022, we successfully passed legislation to update Utah's commercial Energy efficiency building code. This state-wide policy will ensure that all new buildings in Utah are built to higher standards of Energy efficiency. Thanks to this win, new buildings in Utah will consume less Energy thereby lowering emissions and saving Utah businesses money. Expanding access to electric vehicle charging: charging an electric vehicle (ev) in Utah became easier in 2022 thanks to a 50-million-dollar utility incentive program that Utah Clean Energy helped create with Utah's largest utility, rocky mountain power. Our team worked with the utility design an ev incentive program that offers incentives for new fast-charging stations, incentives to utahns installing a home charger, and grants to expand access to ev charging to multi-family housing developments. Evs produce no tailpipe emissions and help conserve our airshed, making this investment a major win for air-quality and climate in Utah. Climate leadership in the conservative state of Utah: Utah Clean Energy's "climate and Clean air compact" reached new heights in 2022 with over 180 signatories, and multiple high-profile climate discussions. The compact is a first-of-its kind directive encouraging broad, bipartisan support for action on climate and Clean air solutions.