Program areas at Utility Emergency Services Fund
Long-term housing which consists of the following: oil assistance program usef provides direct assistance for oil to low-income individuals and families who are unable to afford the cost of an oil delivery. Philadelphia works partnership since february 2010, uesf has partnered with philadelphia works to assist their workforce development clients with Utility, rental/mortgage, and security deposit assistance.
Front door programs which consist of the following: Utility settlement program uesf provides financial assistance to low-income individuals and families who are facing Utility terminations or who have had their utilities shut off. Uesf provides assistance for peco, philadelphia gas works ("pgw") and philadelphia water department ("pwd") applicants up to 1,500 per applicant through various grants including the department of housing and urban development, the office of homeless Services and philadelphia works. Peco, pgw, and pwd provide contributions to uesf to provide support to uesf to run the program. Water conservation housing stabilization program low-income families with high water usage and high bills often get behind on their bills and face having their water turned off. Uesf helps water customers facing these problems.
Veterans program uesf works with veterans and veteran families who are experiencing homelessness or are at risk of losing their homes. Uesf's range of Services helps them acquire the resources to become stable.
Youth and family programs which consists of the following: family stabilization program in 2017, uesg developed the uesf family stabilization program, partnering with the united way of philadelphia and south jersey and the siemer institute. The program focuses on families with students in the philadelphia school district. The goal is to improve a family's long-term housing stability, thereby reducing school mobility for children thus increasing a child's academic success. Expenses 817,078. Including grants of 0. Revenue 0.