Program areas at Valle Del Sol
Behavioral health services - the organization offers outpatient behavioral health treatment and social services to individuals of all ages (from birth to grave) across the phoenix metro area. Approximately 55% of persons served identify as hispanic or african-american. In serving a dvierse community with diverse needs, Valle Del Sol's clinically and culturally competent staff continued to provide outstanding quality of services. Key programs within the behavioral health services department include: a. General outpatient services treating attention deficit disorder, behaviors and conduct, depression, anxiety, trauma and mood disorders in youth;b. Intensive outpatient program for substance abuse youth;c. child rehabilitative services program for developmentally disabled children / medical conditions, in addition to mental and behavioral health needs for adults;d. general outpatient services treating anxiety, depression, trauma, addictions, and relational problems in a dults;e. opioid treatment program for substance abuse adults;f. court-ordered treatment programs for domestic violence offenders, driving under the influence cases, anger management, and parenting; andg. Smi clinics for those adults who need support due to their mental illness and its impact on their ability to function.
Hispanic leadership institute - hispanic leadership institute is a leadership development program where participants are given the opportunity to engage Arizona's foremost business, education, and government policy experts in a dialogue about leadership and their role in creating a thriving community. The program is designed to incorporate the participant's voice and to engage their views with specific outcomes emphasizing professional and personal growth with a practical business and community orientation. During fy22, only 15 individuals participated in the program, which is a decrease from the average of 25 participants. Valle reduced the program offering to only the phoenix area last year, compared to state-wide sites, after coming out of the pandemic.
Integrated primary care - Valle Del Sol provides primary care and serves patient-centered medical health clinics - designated by the health resource and service administration as a federally qualified health center out of four phoenix locations. Patients are cared for with comprehensive and holistic integrated care that incorporates both the physical needs and the behavioral haelth needs for the individual. Office visits are scheduled for routine physicals, sports physicals, immunizations, acute illness, as well as treatment for long-term chronic diseases and follow-up care. Teams work collaboratively, centered on the patient. Community health workers are employed to provide a continuum of care and bridge the gap many members face in trying to coordinate their healthcare needs. Community health workers also provide healthy living workshops for chronic disease managemetnt and a variety of health and wellness courses are offered to patients including nutrition and exercise opportunities on-site.