Program areas at Valley Baptist Medical Center Harlingen Auxiliary
The Auxiliary provides support for the patients and families of Valley Baptist Medical Center Harlingen. The volunteers assist at the front desk, deliver newspapers, magazines, flowers and mail, and they operate the beverage cart for visitors in the waiting rooms and lobbies. They serve in the gift shop and offer spiritual support and companionship through pastoral ministries.
The Auxiliary manages and supports programs that involve support and/or recognition to employees and patients. These programs include a) contributions to the tenet care fund where employees with a documented crisis can apply for assistance with basic living, funeral or Medical expenses that the employee has no other way to fund b)guardian angel program where patients can make a donation in honor of a hospital staff member for the excellent care provided to them. The employee is recognized with a guardian angel pin and the donor receives confirmation of the donation and presentation to the employee. Donations are added to the Auxiliary's scholarship fund c)no one dies alone (noda) program provides the reassuring presence of a volunteer companion to dying patients who would otherwise be alone d)veterans visiting veterans is a program where veteran volunteers make personalized visits to inpatients who are veterans. In addition to the support provided through the personal visit, patients are offered puzzle books, playing cards, prayer cards, blankets and caps specific to the military branch served; e)child-adult abuse response team (caart)-the hospital based caart unit at Valley Baptist serves child and adult abuse victims of the rio grande Valley. The auxillary supports the caart year round with stuffed animals, coloring books, hygiene kits and clothing for the patients.
The Auxiliary provides scholarships to financially assist students pursuing a post-secondary education in nursing or an allied health vocation. Lvn scholarships are available to students enrolled in vbmc school of vocational nursing to encourage nursing careers. General patient care scholarships are available to students pursuing a degree in a hospital based vocation. Scholarships for continuing education are also awarded to forensic nurses in the vbmc child-adult abuse unit (caart).
The Auxiliary manages two projects that aim at serving members of the local community. These programs include a)the seniors' santa program which provides wrapped christmas gifts for residents of several local nursing homes. Approximately 1,200 gifts are distributed and they are often the only gifts these seniors receive b) the adopt-a-veteran holiday program allows volunteers and employees to share the spirit of christmas with veterans hospitalized at Valley Baptist Medical Center during the month of december. Gift boxes filled with personal care, comfort, inspirational and/or christmas themed items are collected, wrapped and distributed to veterans during daily veteran visits by volunteers. This program shows appreciation to our veterans for the sacrifices they have made.