Program areas at Valley Care Community Consortium
Lacdph/tth/phi- "reducing gaps in covid-19 vaccinations for children" initiative- funds through this program supported outreach and education, access to covid-19 testing and vaccination opportunities, linkages to supports and services, coordination and collaboration, and promotion of public health ambassador programs. This required strong coordination to ensure that covid-19 outreach projects coordinate the identification of and outreach to organizations serving children within the priority communities of the san fernando Valley, collaborate across other Community stakeholders, share referrals, and create feedback loops to share best practices and challenges. Vccc (1) trained and identified staff to support the objective and activies of the grant, (2)provided outreach, eduation, and support: [by] engage[ing] organizations, schools, and other entities that serve children and/or their caregivers, (3) collaberated across other Community stakeholders, shared referrals, and created feedback loops to share best practices and challenges. There were over 7,900 interative outreach and education encounters reached; over 700 indicivuals vaccinated.
Northeast Valley health corporation- expanding covid-19 vaccinations- through this grant project, vccc effectively bolstered covid-19 vaccination rates by providing comprehensive outreach and educational support, delivered through both in-person and virtual platforms. The dissemination of diverse printed materials accompanied by supplementary covid-19 educational materials, personal protective equipment (ppe), and take-home covid-19 testing kits. Further facilitated the promotion of covid-19 vaccination events, enhancing Community engagement and uptake. Leveraging vccc's extensive email database, the diverse printed materials were also distributed electronically to numerous Community partners, organizations, local businesses, and residents across the san fernando Valley, ensuring widespread awareness and accessibility. There were over 212 in-person interactive and education encounters reached during the grant period, and over 298 virtual interactive encounters.
Vccc's role in this grant was to participate in all phases of the vaxup innovation challenge with children's hospital los angeles, including project planning, virtual meetings, student engagement, Community outreach, and health promotion. They involve organizing at least three focus groups with champs charter high school students, parents, and faculty to identify strategies for increasing vaccination rates among hesitant and hard-to-reach populations. Additionally, the vccc's responsibilities include coordinating u-catcch (using creative art to communicate covid-19 health) meetings with champs student ambassadors, providing them with updated evidence-based health education materials, and assisting them in creating infographics, digital art, and physical art to limit the impact of covid-19. Furthermore, these roles entail mentoring student ambassadors in hosting an open house and offering technical support for developing impactful digital and physical art.
From november 2021-november 2022, vccc will conduct eight sessions of the adult mental health first aid program with the goal of reaching 100 individuals from community-based organizations (e.g. Schools, churches, civic groups, human service organizations, etc.) In addition, vccc will conduct eight sessions of the youth mental first aid program targeting middle and high school students in low-to-moderate income communities throughout the san fernando & santa clarita valleys.