Program areas at Veterans Prostate Cancer Awareness
We instituted the 50 Vets in 50 States monthly webinar program. VPCa will continue to expand and develop the 50 Vets in 50 States Program in 2024 providing educational materials and awareness activities to the Veteran and active-duty military population throughout the VHA medical communities. Monthly meetings are planned as guided moderated networking forums and will include a support group for newly diagnosed Veteran prostate cancer patients. VPCa will expand the outreach and promotion of the program to build the network of Veterans taking action in 2024. All sponsors are provided the same benefits for providing support to VPCa for the 50 Vets in 50 States program. In support of the program your firm will be provided: * Attendance at each monthly meeting for as many participants as you would like. * Opportunity to present your firms prostate cancer related content to the Veterans, VHA Physician and researcher audience * Highlight and mentions in associated social media announcements both in invitations and post event advertisements related to the program * Logo recognition will be present on all signage at all in person events and included in all hybrid/virtual events.
VPCa Life on ADT Support Groups:Objectives of the ADT Educational Program For Veterans. The program is a pilot in person support group for Men on Androgen Deprivation Therapy and who have advanced prostate cancer. Provide evidence-based education about ADT and Androgen Receptor Targeted Agents (ARTA), Androgen Receptor Axis-Targeted (ARAT) agents, and Androgen Receptor Pathway Inhibitors (ARPI) Provide options and suggestions for the management of treatment side effects Provide patients and their caregivers with tools for wellbeing Offer and provide support to make behavioral health changes
VPCa Round Table Series - Prostate Cancer Care for our Veterans. Our initial efforts to facilitate this objective are to host four (4) "VPCa Round Table Discussions" each focusing on providing better care for the Veteran with prostate cancer. We host these sessions in the evenings just prior to the major trade events throughout the year. A roundtable discussion is an organized conversation with one moderator, several chosen speakers that bring a variety of perspectives to a subject, and an audience who may simply observe or participate by asking questions. VPCa moderator will present the topic and invite leading Researchers, Urologists, Oncologists, VA Leadership, Industry Leaders, and Veteran Prostate Cancer patients to participate. The series will be professionally captured and produced for reference and to capture the expert opinions for all to observe. We hope to hold these Round Tables at AUA (April), ASCO (June), ASTRO (October)& LUGPA (November).Roundtables date back to 1155 A.D. when King Arthur popularized the phrase with his group of advisors known as the Knights of the Round Table. Since then, everyone from world powers developing actions for global peace treaties to Fortune 500 companies debating the future of their industries have all participated. We will hold round table discussions to discuss the state of care of Veterans with Prostate Cancer.
VPCa What's Your Number Campaign: PSA has been the standard for Prostate Cancer screening for more than 30 years, the interest and patient knowledge continue to be significantly lower than general knowledge of Mammogram. These trends suggest the need to develop new approaches to generate public interest, education, and awareness in prostate cancer and prostate cancer screening. As we developed the "What's Your Number?" campaign we researched the best ways to achieve the most impact and longest lasting, memorable messaging statement. The human mind is curious and is stimulated by "questions." Questions that prime our curiosity are powerful brain influencers. The best questions are about something people can relate to or want to know about." Our minds are compelled to answer if presented with a simple question. There's something in our makeup as humans that causes a sort of automatic answering reflex when we are asked a question. It's related to our need for completion. A question is like a joke without a punchline, or the first line of a popular song. It's incomplete, and we all begin to fill in the blanks to complete it. That's what we want, Answers.