Program areas at VFW NC - John Boyd VFW Post 7318
Allocation of funds to Veterans Relief programs, to include but not limited to individual Veterans in distress, VA hospitals and clinics in the area, local health research facilities and programs, TBI and PTSD program support, hospice care, VFW National Home for Children. Veterans Military Support program, Camp Lejeune Fisher House, and Fort Bragg Fisher House. We donate, rent free, a large office space within the Post to the Military Mission in Action (MMIA), which is a program separate to those of the VFW. Provide monetary and labor support to the other VFW Posts programs and fundraisers. Assist in modifying disabled Veterans homes with funding and labor support. Allocation of funds to the Posts support elements - Military Order of the Cooties and the Auxiliary.
Provided food and water to veterans and homeless shelter monthly.
Allocation of funds for Middle School and High School programs, Patriots Pen, Voice of Democracy, and Teacher of the Year. Support the Scouts, Eagle Scout program, VFW National Home, and coordinate the Marine Corps Toys for Tots. Provide a free office and storage for Marine Corps League. Allocation of funds also to the JROTC Pinecrest High School program, local high school sports teams, Sandhills Community College scholarship, University scholarships, holiday food baskets, Elks Club Children's Foundation, the National VFW Foundation, and the local Civil Air Patrol.
We incur operating expenses for our facility, which is used by community and military organizations for their monthly meetings.
Advertising costs to inform veterans and their families of our organization.
Attending state and national conferences for the Veterans of Foreign Wars.
Insurance cost for the facility, payment to our national affiliate to maintain our charter, and repair expenses
License cost for business operations for sales of inventory.