Program areas at Vidanet
Vida missions - vida missions provides short term intensive mission trip experiences that bring participants closer to the father, take them out of their comfort zone, and help them gain a new worldview. Vm provides and facilitates missions and discipleship opportunities for short term cross- cultural mission teams. This ministry serves groups of all kinds by providing 5 day to 3 week life-impacting mission trips.
Vida220 - vida220 seeks to expand the kingdom of god and fulfill the great commission by training, facilitating, and sending the church to where god has called them. Vida220 serves as a longer term program of Vidanet. This program and its ministries are designed for those who are looking to serve for 3 months to 3 years. The goal of this ministry is missions and discipleship. It works with the gloabal church. There are several programs that are under the umbrella of vida220.
Davida - davida seeks to give life through discipleship and missions by supporting, facilitating, and networking with others to meet individual and corporate physical, emotional, and spiritual needs with integrity. Davida works as the charitable arm of Vidanet. It works with Vidanet's other programs to provide help and therefore disciple and reach the church and the world. Davida networks with other churches and ministries to see the kingdom of god expanded. Davida has two ministries under its covering. They are: la cuenca project - this project is a partnership with several other ministries to reach a very poor section of heredia, costa rica. Nehemiah project - Vidanet has built up a network of 40+ churches and ministries with whom they are continually partnering. This project represents that network.
Vida global works at sending workers into the harvest locally, regionally, and internationally. This includes recruitment, preparation, sending and accompaniment of those individuals. Awakening the latin american church to send, go, and support world missions.