Program areas at Vietnam Humanitarian Foundation
VINAHF's mission is to provide food, livable shelter to the minor children with disabilities parents, minor children are dropped out school due to family financial crisis. The orphanages are living in the remote areas, and be forgotten by the world. VINAFH seeks to help the minor children who have been abused and neglected to find a better life. VINAHF seeks to help disadvantaged women with minor children, disabilities minor children to have an opportunity to be in school to finish elementary, high school. With your support, the unfortunate children, disabilities minor children, orphanages will have an opportunity to pursue higher education to have a better life, be productive in society, and that translates into a safer, healthier and more prosperous community for everyone. Our target are people living in the remote, rural areas where accessibility is not easy, and usually unknown to the world. Scholarship Program
Support Orphanage Centers in Viet Nam: $2,569.61
Micro Finance: $5,353.32 to provide loans with free interest to help the poor fight against extreme poverty
Support abandoned elderly and invalid people:$953
Humanitarian and medical emergency Aids:$25,242.18
Provide medicines overcount for the remote medical station to serve the elderly, poor in the rural areas where people can't have the minimum health care:$4865.56
Expenses maintain operations and overhead in VN: $6708.99
Building homes for the poors and the homeless $25293.36
Lunar New Year Present for abandoned Children& Elderly:$5663.83
Others programm included maintainn Website& VINAHF domain for Pledges:$1,285.38