Program areas at Village Focus International
Land and Livelihoods program (Laos -- land rights education): Focused on land and natural resource rights, access to information, legal advocacy, networking, land use planning, as well as customary land tenure registration, and related topics.
Green Earth Centre Demonstration Farm and Training Centre. VFI's GEC is a unique, 100-acre farm in southern Laos, with small animal raising areas, greenhouses, mushroom houses, organic compost, orchards, fish ponds, a tree nursery, and a food processing facility. GEC also has a training area (meeting rooms, dorms, a staff house, an information center, etc.) and a new
Protection and Empowerment of Women and Children -- Laos, anti-trafficking: Focus on the fight against human trafficking, including the operation of a shelter in southern Laos. Operated 2 shelters, one transit center, and a variety of in-village education and awareness-raising actions.