Program areas at Village Life
Community engagement is one of our major objectives, and our goal is to uplift and invest in our community. In 2022, our community engagement activities included hosting park socials and a basketball tournament (safe spaces in public places), street sweeping, handing out hygiene kits to homeless and those living in rvs, and delivery groceries to and building relationships with widows. We engaged an estimated 50 youth and 100 community members. The grants and allocations listed here refer to restricted grants. The rest of this program's expenses were covered by unrestricted donations.
Our final major objective is youth empowerment. Our goal is to 1) teach morals, build character, address trauma, and help young people navigate the brokenness of this world; 2) we create a support structure that empowers young people to make healthy and healing Life choices. 3) we encourage each person to use their gifts and develop new skills. We engage with our youth 4-6 days per week after school and on weekends. We have a variety of activities, including homework time, hangouts (video games, sharing a meal, etc), character building discussions, field trips, and camping trips, outdoor recreation, and community-based volunteering. The grants and allocations listed here refer to restricted grants. The rest of this program's expenses were covered by unrestricted donations.
Another major objective is workforce development. We provide volunteer opportunities as well as a paid internship for youth that interweaves personal mentorship, job skills training, and community investment. They learn skills essential for work such as time management, communication, professional presentation, and teamwork. The internship was a 2-month paid summer internship for 8 high school students. While there were no grants given in 2022 that were restricted gifts for workforce development, these program expenses were covered by unrestricted donations.