Program areas at Virginia Federation of Garden Clubs
The old dominion gardener (odg) is an official publication of the Virginia Federation of Garden Clubs (vfgc). The magazine is published each quarter and is emailed to every person who is a member of vfgc. The odg contains educational articles, and events calendar, convention information, flower show school, flower show judges symposium and landscape design school curriculums and registration information. The districts and Clubs within vfgc publicize news and events relating to activities and gardening projects. Information on contests for youth, for example, smokey bear/woodsy owl poster contest, essay and poetry contests, are also contained in the odg. The publication is a major connumication tool for vfgc. Income from the odg comes from dues, ads and contributions.
Five scholarships were awarded. All funds are set to the applicable university dirctly from Virginia Federation of garded Clubs. The recipients and amount of the scholarships and applicable university are below: abby lynn johnson 3,000 Virginia tech hannah rose chambers 3,000 Virginia tech andrea mei te gaot 2,000 Virginia tech ashleigh elizabeth mann 3,000 longwood university maybelline cruz morales 2,000 george mason university
Each member pays 5.00 to Virginia Federation of Garden Clubs (vfgc) annually. From these funds, 1.00 is paid the national Garden Clubs, Inc. (ngc) per member. The remaining funds are used:(1)to pay dues to the south atlantic region, (2) to pay dues to ngc for youth members,(3) to defray the cost of publishing the old dominion gardener, and (4)to fund the vfgc budget. Youth grants awarded and paid this year totaled 3,000.00 and beautify and restore grants totaled 800.00.