Program areas at VisionCorps
Enterprise group: Visioncorps' enterprise group provided 124,475 hours of work to employees who are blind. Visioncorps' mission is to empower individuals with vision loss to attain independence; the mission is fulfilled through this employment program for individuals to earn a living wage and be financially independent. Nationally, the unemployment rate for people who are blind is 70%. Because of this, Visioncorps first considers individuals who are blind for positions which they are academically or vocationally qualified to perform at the highest standards. No less than 75% of direct labor performed at Visioncorps is done by employees who are blind. In addition, Visioncorps offers training to encourage upward mobility and promotional opportunities for all employees. Throughout the entire agency, employees who are blind hold a variety of positions at all levels, demonstrating Visioncorps priority to employ this underemployed segment of the population.
Youth services: Visioncorps provides quality, family-centered vision services, and enrichment activities to children with vision loss. Certified teachers of the vision impaired and orientation & mobility instructors provide vital information, consultation, and direct services to families, partnering agencies and school districts throughout the community. These services are provided at all stages of development, and prepare them for transition to adult services. Thisincludes assistance with advocacy when applying for work or educational opportunities upon graduation from high school. Social and recreational activities in youth services provide Visioncorps' youngest clients the opportunity to meet and relate to other children facing the same challenges, and discover ways to overcome them. This year, 75 children were served in this capacity, for a total of 2,392 service hours.
Rehabilitation services: statistics indicate that by 2050, the number of people who are blind in the us will double. In response to this startling figure, Visioncorps provides services to residents living with all stages of vision loss. Low vision can affect each person differently. To address this need, Visioncorps provided individualized and comprehensive rehabilitation programming to 1,235 individuals this year, with a total of 11,725 hours of direct service. Preventative services are also provided, and this year 10,043 individuals were screened for undiagnosed vision loss. Statistics indicate that the number of people who are blind in the united states will double in the next decade, and the continuation and increase of these services is crucial. These services are all provided at no cost to clients. Through assessment, education, support, and instruction, Visioncorps' goal is to empower individuals to live independently and maintain their quality of life. Visioncorps understands that community education and awareness is critical in maintaining support for its programs. One particular program supported by the Visioncorps served 1,310 unique clients in its many service areas, for a total of 14,117 service hours - this would not have been possible without the support of an aware and actively contributing community